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Atomidine Edgar Cayce Readings

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Atomidine® Is The “go to” Product In The Edgar Cayce Readings

edgar cayce, atomidine

Edgar Cayce has often been referred to as the sleeping prophet and perhaps the only prophetic personality to the Americas. Made famous for his healings and medical readings in the 1930’s, Cayce was himself a man modest in personality and of means.


Iodine Solution

Atomidine was mentioned in approximately 830 readings. This number is particularly striking in view of the fact that these recommendations must have all been made within the relatively short time span of less than twenty years – from 1926, when the name Atomidine originated, to 1945, the year of Cayce’s death.

It was stressed in the readings that Atomidine was never to be used as a ‘cure-all’, although it was also noted that due to a general tendency -or many to develop an excess of ‘potash’ in the system, there were few human ailments that would not re­spond to the iodine as it would maintain a better balance in the system if used correctly. Atomidine could be indicated, stated Cayce, whenever there were signs of imbalance, either in glandular functions, or in the activity of the assimilations and eliminations. Depending on the need he found, application might involve dental care, feminine hygiene, or internal dosage.

Internal dosage of Atomidine varied greatly from reading to reading, depending on the nature and severity of the condition.

[i] Examples will be given for several types of conditions in the following paragraphs. Most consistent was Cayce’s stress on taking it according to definite cycles, to best correlate the action of the Atomidine with body rhythms. The user can either follow a cycle given in a specific reading or simply in­vent his own, since the cycle itself is more important than the specific pattern it follows. Cycles were typically based on periods of several days together (2-15) of taking the Atomidine, alternated with rest periods (1 day to one month or an indefin­ite time period). The Atomidine was always to be taken in wa­ter – usually half a glass, perhaps 4 oz., although occasionally a full glass was advised. Most often, dosage was to be taken once daily in the morning before breakfast. An identical dosage was sometimes also to be taken in the evening, usually before retiring. On rare occasions, dosage was to be administered three times daily or more often. Those taking Atomidine for the first time on an experimental basis should exercise caution by be­ginning with the minimum dosage of one drop daily, unless a doctor directs otherwise.


Atomidine was a specific in the readings for glandular deficiencies and imbalances and related disorders. It becomes apparent by implication – and sometimes by statement as well ­that the glands were involved in some manner, either directly or indirectly, in every instance where internal dosage was recommended. A general reading on Atomidine asserted that it could be used not only as a curative but as a preventive as well, particularly for any disorder of the glands or of the tissues of the body. It was further stated that Atomidine would have a purifying and stimulating influence on the entire gland­ular system.

For glandular incoordination and for treatment of the glands in general, dosage was sometimes to be given once daily and frequently twice daily – upon arising and before retiring. In either instance, an average amount to be given each time was one to five drops of Atomidine in half a glass of water for three to five days alternated with two-day rest periods. An­other type of cycle involved beginning with one drop daily at each dosage, increasing one drop each day until the fifth day, when five drops at each dosage were taken. After a two-day rest period this cycle could be repeated, beginning again with one drop.

Iodine was seen as particularly crucial to the functioning of the thyroid gland. Atomidine was therefore recommended specifically to help regulate the activity of this gland, and to aid in the correction of related problems, such as goitre and baldness. A typical dosage to stimulate the thyroid gland was one or two drops of Atomidine in half a glass of water taken on arising for five days at a time, followed by a five-day rest period. This series can be repeated at least three times, subsequently followed by a longer rest period. The entire cycle can then be repeated from the beginning if necessary. Similar cycles were given for goitre and baldness, although larger dosages might be indicated in some cases of goitre. Cayce found that this treatment regimen would improve the finger and toe nails in addition to stimulating hair growth.

Feminine Hygiene

Use of Atomidine was indicated in a wide variety of pelvic conditions and disorders, including vaginal discharge, venereal disease, tumors, dysmenorrhea (cramps), menopause, tipped womb, and pregnancy. This application was usually in the form of a douche, using a fountain syringe. A typical dilution was one teaspoonful of Atomidine to one and a half quarts of water, al­though the amount of Atomidine suggested varied in some in­stances from one-half teaspoonful to one tablespoonful per quart. One and a half quarts of water was the typical amount to be used for each application, retaining the solution each time for as long as possible. The water used was generally to be body temperature – never warmer.
Atomidine douches were to be done as often as once daily for severe conditions, decreasing frequency of application as infection, irritation or discharge was reduced. Application should be discontinued during menstrual periods. A reading for a pregnant woman advised regular douching with an Atomidine solution as a preventive measure, to assure that inflammation or infection would not develop. Frequently, douching with Atomidine was to be alternated with Glyco-Thymoline solutions.

Venereal Disease

In cases of venereal disease – both gonorrhea and syphilis, Atomidine was often to be taken internally to prevent the spread of infection. One reading commented that the excess of iodine created in this manner would so deaden the germ cells as to cause their elimination by the system. A typical dose was about five drops daily, or one drop daily, increasing by one or two drops each day for the next four days. After a brief rest period, either cycle could be resumed from the beginning.

In addition to internal dosage, use of Atomidine and other solutions in the form of douches for women and catheter injec­tions for men was consistently advised. Catheter injections were to be made with varying frequency – from as often as once or twice daily for several days to once every few weeks. Several individuals were advised to make this application only when a tendency toward inflammation was evident. An average solution strength was ten drops of Atomidine to two tablespoonfuls of distilled water. As this amount was sufficient for at least two injections, the solution was to be stored in a dark glass container kept away from light when not in use. For douching instructions, consult the previous section on feminine hygiene.


Cayce found that use of Atomidine in cases of arthritis would stimulate glandular secretions that would bring about an actual dissolution of deposits in the joints, enabling them to be drained and eliminated. In the process, glandular activity throughout the system would be stimulated, aiding in assimila­tion and energy distribution.

Cycles of taking Atomidine were most often to be coordin­ated with Epsom salts baths and massage. Typically, the baths were to be taken during rest periods immediately following an Atomidine sequence to stimulate drainages in the system. Mas­sages were sometimes to be given during Atomidine sequences and at other times during the rest period following the baths.

Dosage was often to be gradually increased during cycles for arthritis. A fairly typical sequence would be one drop once daily for five days, rest two days and repeat.

Atomidine was sometimes recommended for blood building and for specific conditions of the blood such as leukemia and anem­ia. One reading commented that the glandular stimulation of the iodine would improve coordination between the liver, lungs and heart. Dosage was typically to be begun in minimal amounts, increasing gradually to a level of ten to fifteen drops daily, and then repeating the cycle from the beginning.

Assimilations and Eliminations

For a condition Cayce referred to as incoordination between the assimilations and eliminations, it was found that the puri­fying effect of Atomidine on the glandular system would affect not only the thyroid, but glands in or related to the respira­tory system, stomach, appendix area and kidneys as well. A typical dosage was one drop daily for five days at a time or for two or three days weekly.


The addition of iodine to the system in cases of asthma was often stressed, although Atomidine in particular was men­tioned only eight times out of 165 cases of asthma. One read­ing on this subject, however, is interesting enough to deserve mention. In this case a specific cycle of dosage was indicated in conjunction with osteopathic adjustments. In addition, Cayce advised sipping a solution of six drops of Atomidine in a tablespoonful of water when breathing became constricted. This measure, Cayce found, would stimulate glandular reactions that had been submerged by pressures on the nerves which would be released by the adjustments. This dosage was to be taken only when needed and no more often than once during six to eight hours.


This category is mentioned because Atomidine was long rec­ommended by its promoters for dental care, although Cayce ad­vised its use for this purpose in only a modest number of read­ings. In two cases it was to be given internally – in one to strengthen tooth enamel and in the other to help regulate the glands controlling circulation through the teeth and bones. In other instances highly diluted Atomidine solutions were rec­ommended as a mouthwash or massage for the teeth and gums, to reduce acidity, infection, and irritation, and to generally im­prove the condition of the mouth.

Miscellaneous Internal Applications

Internal use of Atomidine was occasionally suggested for the following conditions, in approximate order of frequency: neuritis, epilepsy, lumbago, paralysis (also external), polio­myelitis, toxemia, cancer (also external for skin cancer), vitil­igo, abnormal children, general debilitation and multiple sclerosis, among others.


Use of Atomidine in massage, packs, gargles and other ex­ternal applications was sometimes advised.

Massage with Atomidine solutions was recommended infre­quently but in a variety of conditions. In addition to its use in massage of the teeth and gums as mentioned above, Atomidine was in several cases to be massaged around (not on) the finger nails on the cuticle and above the nail to strengthen them and keep them from splitting. For baldness, dandruff and falling hair, external as well as internal application was found to be helpful. Diluted solutions, such as a few drops to a table­spoon of water, were occasionally to be massaged into the scalp prior to shampooing.

Packs were recommended for carbuncles and a diversity of other conditions. These involved applying a diluted solution (from half to four-fifths water) in the form of saturated cotton pieces or hot cloths.

Gargling with Atomidine solutions was sometimes advised for the healing its antiseptic properties would bring to the mucous membranes of the throat, head, nasal and bronchial pass­ages. In many instances this procedure was found to have a beneficial effect on the teeth and gums as well, and one read­ing found that the gargle would cause sufficient absorption of the iodine to aid glandular functions. A typical dilution was one to two teaspoonfuls of Atomidine to half a glass of water.

Other external applications included dermatitis, poison ivy (also internal), boils, bites, skin cancer, cankers, polio­myelitis, and infections, supporting its recommendation as a general antiseptic for external use. The Atomidine was often to be diluted before applying.

Warnings and Contraindications

Internal dosage of Atomidine was occasionally not advised. In some cases additional iodine was not needed in the system as it was being derived in sufficient amounts from other sources such as Calcidin, kelp and a diet rich in seafood. These con­traindications imply that Atomidine should never be taken in conjunction with other iodine supplements, including multiple vitamin or mineral tablets and Formula 636 in addition to the above (except seafood)

In some instances dosage of Atomidine was to be suspended when certain substances such as yeast were taken internally or for the duration of other types of treatments, particularly those electrical in nature, such as the Wet Cell and the Radio­Active Appliance. One reading found that taking Atomidine in conjunction with electrical treatments would be a strain for the heart. The effect of Atomidine can, however, be transmitted vibratorially to the system with safety through either of these appliances, by means of a solution jar.

An outstanding exception to restrictions against combining Atomidine with other substances taken internally is Formula 636. When this tonic is taken according to directions it supplies one drop of Atomidine per day and can probably be continued over a longer period of time than most Atomidine cycles. Its combination of Atomidine, liver extract, lactated pepsin, black snake root and wild ginseng is designed to have a special meta­bolic effect on the system, possibly making it more valuable than Atomidine alone in certain cases.

Users of Atomidine should be cautioned to note that al­though it is a safe external remedy for everyone, legally it is a prescription item when used internally because of its high iodine content. It can be harmful to anyone who takes too large a dosage and is particularly contraindicated in cases where it might excessively stimulate the heart. Too much iodine can lead to overstimulation of the thyroid gland, resulting in nervous­ness, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, or even a skin rash. Contrary to popular belief, the readings never warned against the inges­tion of alcohol while Atomidine was being taken, and Formula 636 actually contains both Atomidine and alcohol in small quantities.

[i]Consult them for current information
[ii](now reformulated as Alka-Thyme)

This article is from a booklet published by Heritage Publications in 1974

Article Continued


Neither the publisher of this book nor any party associated with the publisher present this work as a prescription for any person, nor makes any representation concerning the physiological effects of any or the remedies mentioned. The services of a professional medical practitioner should be sought in every case where any indication whatsoever suggests the need of such services.

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