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Candida Yeast Symptoms Connected To Organ Functions

Candida Yeast symptoms are more related to infections in the genital area but many have no relation to Candida itself which indicate that Candida Yeast issues are about more than just Candida Albicans in Traditional Herbal Theory

Both men and women who suffer from Candida Yeast Symptoms will have similar yeast related manifestations in the Genital area: It is common for both men and women with this problem to have:

  • Discharge which will have an
  • Odor accompany it, and
  • Itching, that can vary in severity from a mere itch to an uncomfortable burn and even an inflammation.

These in essence are the main Candida Yeast symptoms produced externally by Candida Yeast Infections.

In principle  and common sense indicates that the body generally discharges its waste through the lower orifices. So, in Traditional Herbal Theory it is natural that wastes commonly find their way out of the body seeking a downward exit. In women, there is an additional orifice that is often affected making vaginal discharges particularly uncomfortable. Having said this these discharges are often just wastes looking for a way out because of their excessive overabundance in the body where they should not be. They look and smell like wastes. If a child is left in a dirty diaper the result would be the same i.e.. irritations, rashes, sores etc., and of course smell.

Many of the other symptoms attributed to Candida yeast symptoms are incidental to it and are just lumped together. That these symptoms may exist in the presence of other Candida Yeast Symptoms should not be surprising as the yeast is an unnatural outgrowth due to other bodily imbalances.

Any one who has searched online will find an unending list of symptoms attributed to Candida yeast problems. Some of these lists include everything but the proverbial “kitchen sink.” Because the approach to eliminating the Candida Albicans overgrowth and resulting Candida Yeast symptoms deals with restoring normal bodily functions to the main internal organs and internal environment, it can logically be expected that most of these symptoms will be eliminated by the processes. But, this does not mean that they are a direct result of Candida Albicans. It is the Candida Albicans overgrowth that is a result of the imbalances.

Some of the common Candida Yeast Symptoms associated with Candida Albicans are:

Mouth and Throat:

  • Oral Thrush (white film in mouth or on tongue)
  • brown colored mucus in the back of the throat
  • either white or “blood blisters”
  • sore throat
  • white coated tongue

These are very indicative of stomach/spleen imbalances indicating excessive heat and the by products of fermentation often accompanied by moistures. The Orientals very correctly call it dampness. These problems also happen in people who do not have full blown Candida Yeast infections and are not necessarily Candida Yeast Symptoms but can happen when it is present.


  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating and indigestion
  • hyper-acidity/acid reflux
  • gluten and/or casein intolerance
  • difficulty swallowing
  • projectile vomiting
  • blisters in the mouth/tongue/ throat
  • irritable bowel
  • constipation and/or diarrhea
  • painful gas and abdominal bloating
  • changes in weight without changes in diet or,weight gain or loss with little ability to change it.

These are very typical Stomach, Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas/Spleen functional and congestion issues. These too are symptoms that occur even without the presence of Candida Yeast infections and so are not exclusively Candida Yeast Symptoms.

Uro-Genital Area:

  • Urinary infections (again, not helped by antibiotics)
  • Anal itching
  • jock and rectal itching
  • Rashes on or around the sexual organs
  • menstrual problems including PMS and endometriosis
  • low sex drive and/or numbness in the genital area

Again, these are not exclusively Candida Yeast Symptoms. In Traditional Herbal Theory These are more Liver, Kidney and Spleen Issues.


  • Joint pain with arthritis-like symptoms
  • flu-like symptoms such as pain in the joints and muscle
  • extreme tightness in the shoulders and neck

Here too, Candida Yeast Symptoms cross over into what in Traditional Herbal Theory would clearly be Liver and Kidney issues.


  • “crawling” skin
  • Skin rashes on the body (eczema, atopic dermatitis)
  • rashes and dry, flaking skin
  • eczema
  • dermatitis
  • acne
  • skin discoloration and/or blotchiness
  • Hair loss
  • dandruff

As an example of just how much Candida Albicans can be rampant in the body tissues that it even manifests on and through the skin does not necessarily make it exclusively a Candida Yeast Symptom. Skin issues are commonly related to  Liver and Kidney issues and easily gotten rid of by addressing nothing more than the functions of these two organs.


  • red, itching eyes
  • Visual disturbances may include blurring, sensitivity to light and eye pain.
  • recurrent ear infections
  • ringing in the ears (tinnitus)

Here too, we see problems that are Liver and Kidney issues being associated with Candida. Not that they may not be Candida Yeast Symptoms but the point needs to be made that these symptoms can exist as something separate from Candida Albicans.


  • chronic Fungus on the fingernails or toenails
  • chronic athlete’s foot

These fungal issues happen in people who do not necessarily have any other Candida yeast symptoms. In Traditional Herbal Theory the nails have to do with Liver functions. Athletes food is regarded as a parasite (tinea) that develops from what the toes are excreting. In Traditional herbal theory the toes are a point of waste discharge which accounts for foot odor in some people and why the big toe is susceptible to such things inflaming in the event of gout.

Mental or Emotional:

  • Brain “fog” -easily feel overwhelmed by mental tasks – problems with concentration and short-term memory – feeling in a fog
  • Depression from feeling low and “bogged down” all the time.
  • irritability
  • anxiety
  • panic attacks
  • recurring obsessive thoughts
  • personality changes and mood swings (irrational rage or crying for no reason – fear of talking to people, any kind of confrontation, isolation)
  • paranoia

All of these symptoms sometimes identified as Candida Yeast Symptoms are commonly part of Spleen, Liver and Kidney functions in standard Herbal Theory.


  • Constant fatigue
  • an aversion to being touched or jumping
  • dark circles under the eyes
  • un-refreshing sleep

Still more Stomach, Spleen, Liver and Kidney related Candida Yeast Symptoms that can happen with or without the presence of Candida Albicans or a full blown Candida Yeast Infection.


  • chronic sinus problems and headaches including migraines
  • Chronic sinus drainage -which antibiotics don’t help!
  • chronic dental problems
  • allergies and sensitivities to noise/sound, foods, odors, chemicals

These too are nothing more than Stomach, Spleen, Lungs and Liver issues that do not necessarily Candida Yeast Symptoms.

Other physical symptoms might include:

  • chills and night sweats
  • shortness of breath
  • dizziness and balance problems
  • anemia
  • light-headedness
  • fainting
  • alcohol intolerance
  • sensitivity to heat and/or cold
  • low-grade fever or low body temperature
  • numbness, tingling and/or burning sensations in the face or extremities
  • dryness of the mouth and eyes
  • irregular heartbeat
  • muscle twitching and muscle weakness
  • restless leg syndrome

Has Anything Been Left Out?!!!!

This is a rather careless collection of symptoms that are purported to all be Candida Yeast Symptoms that have been plastered all over the internet. Some of these symptoms have little to do with Candida Yeast Infections itself, although they may be present with Candida albicans. Candida Yeast Infections are not an ailment; they are an ailment within an ailment. Traditional Herbal Theory quickly categorizes the symptoms by the organ systems that bring them about. No ailment has this many symptoms and still be one ailment having one name.

What product could single handedly remove all of these symptoms? In short, there is no such product!! And yet, people are out there looking for it.

Approached intelligently Candida Yeast Symptoms and Infections can be eliminated but not over night. It takes a disciplined attitude together with some diligence.

One more thought:

Having said all of this, before going too far and confusing Candida Yeast Symptoms with other completely unrelated problems. It should be noted that both male and female could also be experiencing:

  • A reddish rash in the groin area in general or the genitalia in particular
  • Mild to severe irritation, sores, blisters and accompanying itch
  • White odorous discharges and infections

These could also be the result of a Sexually Transmitted Disease STD. This has to be determined by a health care practitioner before addressing Candida Yeast Infection to eliminate the possibility of an STD.

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