Amalux Products

Migraine Digestive Problems Digestorum Supports Stomach Digestive Organ Functions For Better Digestion

Digestorum is an excellent all natural, very fast acting alternative to support normal digestion, stomach functions and digestive functions by supporting stomach, liver, gallbladder and pancreatic functions.

Digestorum, Indigestion, Acid reflux, peptic ulcer, Parasites, helicobacter pylori, stomach problems, stomach Ulcer, Hiatal hernia, Migraine, Headache, Blood sugar, heart burn, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Indigestion, Acid reflux, peptic ulcer, helicobacter pylori, stomach Ulcer, Parasites,stomach problems,Hiatal hernia, Migraine, Headache, Blood sugar, heart burn,Indigestion, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Acid reflux, peptic ulcer, helicobacter pylori, stomach Ulcers, Hiatal hernia, Migraine, Headaches, Blood sugar, heart burn, stomach problems,        stomach Ulcers,Digestorum
Digestion Acid Reflux
Heart Burn
Migraine Headaches
100 Capsules
Cost: $26.95 Digestorum, heartburn, Indigestion, Acid reflux, peptic ulcer, Parasites, helicobacter pylori, stomach problems, stomach Ulcer, Hiatal hernia, Migraine, Headache, Blood sugar, heart burn, heartburn, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Indigestion, Acid reflux, peptic ulcer, helicobacter pylori, stomach Ulcer, Parasites, stomach problems, Hiatal hernia, heartburn, Migraine, Headache, Blood sugar, heart burn, Indigestion, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Acid reflux, peptic ulcer, helicobacter pylori, stomach Ulcers, Hiatal hernia, Migraine, Headaches, Blood sugar, heart burn, stomach problems, stomach Ulcers, Parasites, secretion

Millions of people suffer from often very painful stomach related digestive problems and are being told that by suppressing the stomach’s function that it is going to get better. This type of logic would not work in any other situation so, why should it work here. Stomach problems can in time turn into Heart Burn (now called Acid Reflux or Acid Reflux Disease) which can escalate to ulcers.  In addition, the effect of compromised stomach function is known to be related to headaches in general as well as mild to severe migraines.

Digestorum supports digestive functions that when impaired can produce:

  • Acid Reflux – GERD
  • Severe Heartburn
  • Stomach Ulcers
  • Bloating from Over Eating
  • Indigestion
  • Gastritis
  • Irritable Bowel syndrome IBS
  • Stomach Pain

The following are symptoms that are not normally associated with digestion in modern times but in Traditional Herbal Theory they have always been associated directly with digestion or indigestion.

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[wptabtitle]Product Description[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]

The Digestorum Product

Digestorum is an excellent all natural and unique herbal combination designed to support fundamental stomach and digestive functions.

Digestorum is formulated to assist and maintain normal gastric secretions to maintain and support a normal digestive environment in the digestive organs and does not impede or in any way inhibit stomach functions as it helps to support and restore them. This is why Digestorum is an excellent fast acting natural herbal remedy for severe digestive problems. It is one of our best selling products on line and in retail Health Foods Stores with consistant postitive feedback from customers and health practitioners who recommend it.

Customers have told us that anyone using a digestive enzyme should also use Digestorum for enhanced and more sustainable results. Digestive enzymes are excellent but they do not restore organ functions. Digestorum actually supports organ functions which means that at some point enzymes may not be necessary. Digestorum can be used in conjunction with any enzyme but they should be taken separately for best results. Enzymes before meals – Digestorum after meals.

For the Stomach, Liver and Pancreas…. nothing works quite like this Digestorum!


[wptabtitle] Herbal Philosophy[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]

Traditional Theoretical Information about Digestive Impairment

Many ailments start as simple indigestion and are nothing more than the extension of digestive disorders.

Your stomach, pancreas, spleen, liver and gallbladder, act together in feeding your body and allowing the process of digestion to take place without discomfort. When there is discomfort associated with digestion there is likely a problem with one of these organs. Gradually through this imbalance, the bodily functions slow down as the wastes that the body should have evacuated through normal digestion are retained either in the digestive tract or even in the tissues of the organs and start to ferment. The body starts to ache, the head becomes heavy and pained, we tire more easily, the muscles labor to do simple tasks, and our flesh becomes bloated as our complexion starts to deteriorate.

Digestorum has been known to be extremely helpful with even the most uncomfortable digestive problems ranging from stomach ulcers and acid reflux – GERD, to the simple bloated stuffiness of having over eaten. Digestorum has been used in even the worst situations of indigestion and inflammation of the stomach lining which is quite painful (as a tea). Digestorum when used before or after meals is also very useful for those who travel to the tropics and are worried about getting a parasite or bacteria from the food or water. By keeping the stomach strong it will literally digest foreign bacteria as it would food.

Traditional Herbal Principles have taught that our digestive system is without a doubt our most important system. Without our capacity to digest properly, all of the other bodily systems that are being fed through digestion would systematically lose their ability to perform their many vital functions. Therefore, a healthy digestive system supports and strengthens your immune system.

Proper stomach, liver and gallbladder functions contribute greatly to the proper metabolism of food, the general health of the digestive tract, the strength of the urinary tract and bladder as well as the lubrication of all joints and tendons. A properly maintained digestive tract is essential and instrumental for the immune system.

Digestorum helps support liver functions. Among other things, the liver controls the economy of blood supply to the body. It contains it when resting and releases it when we are more active. This can influence specific female functions, body temperature fluctuation (feeling hot and cold), as well as sleep (awakening at 2-3 am). Also, the soreness or tenderness of the breasts can be caused by inhibited liver functions.

Digestorum is an old herbal formula effectively used as a digestive aid by average adults for decades. It is also one of the best remedies that can be used when doing the lemon juice and olive oil, or similar liver cleanses to restore and support stagnant liver, gallbladder, pancreatic, stomach and general digestive organ functions.

Digestorum is all natural and surprisingly fast acting!

Regardless of the benefits of any digestive product, being careful in ones eating habits generally benefits any severe digestive disorder.

Also See the Health Topics below to read about other applications for Digestorum:


[wptabtitle] Ingredients[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]

Digestorum Ingredients: These herbs have been used for hundreds if not thousands of years in Europe and are very well know and well documented. Some are used by large liquor manufactures that produce some of the finest digestives and aperitifs in the world. We have chosen these herbs because of their well documented use and have mixed them to the proper proportion for encapsulation.

Gentian: Supports stomach functions and regulates stomach secretions normalizing appetite. Used traditionally as a bitter all over Europe and the Orient specifically for severe stomach functional problems and ailments. Very well documented. Used for hundreds of years in Europe as a key ingredient in digestive liquors.
Fennel: Warms the spleen and stomach so that it can perform the separation processes of the stomach. Used for hundreds of years in Europe as a key ingredient in digestive liquors.
Damiana: Increases all glandular secretions – in this case those of the stomach also. Also aids kidney functions with are important to support stomach functions.
Stops bleeding, heals finer flesh tissues.
Peppermint: Normally used for digestion as a tea but, in a powdered form supports lung function and helps supply oxygen for the digestive process. Used for hundreds of years in Europe as a key ingredient in digestive liquors.
Wormwood: In the powdered form it acts on the food itself – like an enzyme. The main ingredient in the well known European aperitif Vermouth (wormwood wine). Also used for hundreds of years in Europe as a key ingredient in digestive liquors; Vermouth, Jaegermaester, etc.
Bitter Orange: An excellent digestive aid. Used for hundreds of years in Europe as a key ingredient in digestive liquors.
Sarsaparilla: And adrenal support herb to support stomach functions by helping elimination through the kidney.


[wptabtitle]Suggested Use[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]

Option #1: In acute situations 2-6 capsules with warm water. Usually starts working as you wait – in minutes.

Option #2: In chronic digestive problems where the problem is of long standing. 2-6 capsules before or after meals with warm water. For best and more sustainable results use Digestorum for 4 – 6 weeks. When desired relief has been achieved gradually taper off.

Option #3: 2 capsules opened and placed into a cup of boiled water (not micro waved), let steep (not boil) for 4 minutes, three cups per day after or before meals – which ever feels best. Increase steep time by one minute per day, up to 20 minutes. Take for about 6 weeks.



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Digestorum, Indigestion, Acid reflux, peptic ulcer, Parasites, helicobacter pylori, stomach problems, stomach Ulcer, Hiatal hernia, Migraine, Headache, Blood sugar, heart burn, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Indigestion, Acid reflux, peptic ulcer, helicobacter pylori, stomach Ulcer, Parasites,stomach problems,Hiatal hernia, Migraine, Headache, Blood sugar, heart burn,Indigestion, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Acid reflux, peptic ulcer, helicobacter pylori, stomach Ulcers, Hiatal hernia, Migraine, Headaches, Blood sugar, heart burn, stomach problems, stomach Ulcers,

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