Amalux Products

Exstressor: Natural Support For Stress Panic Attack Brain Fog Related Issues

Exstressor is an herbal product synergistically formulated using Eastern and Western Herbs to support and balance circulation and heat distribution to support various fundamental functions that when disturbed affect the nervous system producing anxiety, panic attack, brain fog, fatigue, an agitated – restless mind, sugar cravings, Insomnia, PTSD to name a just few. Each of these are interrelated issues having causes that very similar, varying only by degree.

Brain fog, stress, add adhd, Anxiety, anxiety disorder, Brain fog, attention deficit disorder add, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd, panic attacks, Anxiety disorders, anxiety, panic attacks, stress, Brain fog,  attention deficit disorder add, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd, Social anxiety disorder, Brain fog, hyperactivity disorder adhd, Social anxiety, anxiety, Panic attacks, Stress symptoms, Attention deficit disorder add, adhd Exstressor
Supports Circulation,
Mental Clarity &
Normal Energy
100 Capsules
Cost: $26.95

Exstressor, Brain fog, stress, add adhd, natural remedies for Anxiety, anxiety disorder, sugar cravings, attention deficit disorder add, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd, panic attacks, Anxiety disorders, sugar cravings, natural remedies for Anxiety, panic attacks, stress, Brain fog, attention deficit disorder add, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd, sugar cravings, Social anxiety disorder, Brain fog, hyperactivity disorder adhd, Social anxiety, natural remedies for Anxiety, natural remedies for Anxiety, Panic attacks, Stress symptoms, Attention deficit disorder add, adhd

Exstressor is formulated to support Stomach/Spleen functions. The list mentioned below are problems generally arising from or associated with Stomach and particularly Spleen imbalances and depletions according to Traditional Herbal Theory.

  • Brain Fog
  • Stress Anxiety panic attack
  • Stomach Pain
  • Natural remedies for Anxiety
  • Canker Sores
  • Panic disorders
  • Inability to fall asleep
  • Attention Deficit Disorder ADD
  • Poor memory
  • Sugar Cravings
  • Attention Deficit
    Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD
  • Cold sores
  • Tiredness during the day
  • Brain Fog, Restless Mind
  • Restlessness
  • Vertigo
  • Allergies (Stuffed nose)
  • Cold hands
  • Hyperactive thoughts
  • Non pregnancy related Nausea
  • Reynaud’s Phenomenon
    (Cold Hands)

Thousand of bottles of Extsressor  have been sold to many extremely satisfied customers. Here’s what they have to say about Extsressor.

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[wptabtitle] Product Description[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]

The Exstressor Product

Exstressor is a very unique product. It is a result of East meeting West. Eastern herbs have been synergistically combined with Western herbs to produce a superb blend that will significantly support the mental and emotional faculties by relaxing them, while simultaneously sharpening them. The effect is quick. The more out of balance the individual, the quicker and more dramatic the effect. The benefits of these herbs have been known for millennia and have been more recently researched and validated by modern means.

Most people when taking the product experience a gentle warmth, not a flush; produced by a gently increasing circulation. The warmth is centered in the stomach area and radiates to the extremities warming cold hands and sometimes feet, removing abdominal bloating and lessening excess food and sugar cravings while balancing the appetite. The most remarkable effect is felt in the head where the same gentle circulation is being felt. Generally the faculties seem to be relaxing, and very shortly afterwards they become very sharp and clear. Exstressor is not a stimulant of any kind. It is a balancing formula that is also surprisingly fast acting. Because of the gentle increase in circulation, if a person is rather pale they will develop a ‘rosier’ complexion.

Children who are hyperactive or A.D. D. may quickly benefit from Exstressor. It should be mentioned that children who have these problems should be encouraged to adopt more beneficial lifestyles – better quality foods, regular and reasonable sleeping hours, and so on. Furthermore, many children who have the symptoms of A D D traditionally may also have parasites. In which case the Exstressor may help but, may not completely solve the problem.

The product is best taken between meals with some water three times per day. It is best taken for one week at a time and there afterwards on an as need basis. Remember, your food is, and always will be your best medicine, eating sensibly on an ongoing basis is a wise lifestyle choice. Even the best of supplements shouldn’t’t be taken indefinitely.

Exstressor should not be used during pregnancy.


[wptabtitle] Herbal Philosophy[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]


Traditional Theoretical Information on Stress in General and It’s Effects.

According to Traditional Herbal Theory the above mentioned symptoms, are accepted as being caused by what can best be described as “digestive overwork” and have been successfully dealt with as such for thousands of years, even though they may have been brought about by intense mental or emotional situations. According to Eastern and Western Herbal Traditions these type of conditions are recognized as being merely symptoms of a greater internal imbalance but, not the problem itself.

When faced with a problem that affects their thinking capacity or have become incapable of thinking clearly, many immediately assume and start looking for remedies for their brain. Although this may seem like a reasonable and rational assumption it is actually not correct because these are symptoms not causes. When investigated, the brain chemistry will indeed often be found to be “off,” but, so what, that can also happen by simply shifting from one emotional state to another. It’s an established fact that all emotional states from anger to happiness will alter brain chemistry. Is the brain doing this to itself, all on its own or do the other main bodily functions also play a part in it? This is the central question. The Ancients believed the latter and are being proven correct – again!

There is no denying the importance of the brain and its connection to thinking but, modern thought, is often schizophrenic when it comes to how it sometimes comes to its “scientific conclusions.” On the one hand, it always states that it’s conclusions have been arrived at scientifically but, on the other, the conclusions do not always address or completely solve the problem. If the problem is not being solved or at least an adequate explanation provided, something is lacking either in the problem solving method or in how that method is being used. Given the universal acceptance of and the amazing scientific advancements that have been made using the scientific model, it is only reasonable to conclude that the scientific model itself is a great tool of discovery and not at fault. That leaves, “how it is sometimes being used.” Without too much elaboration, let’s just say that, a problem cannot be solved if you look for the solution where it is not to be found. Likewise, you cannot get to the objective truth about anything if you start out by trying to prove a pre-determined notion that best serves it’s inventor is for real.

Traditional Herbal methodology is a combination of natural science that also incorporates spiritual and astral concepts. Traditional Herbal Theory is definitely the underdog in today’s world but the fact that it has not changed after thousands of years and still works consistently and reliably well, says a lot about the philosophy that it is built upon. When it comes to stress and its consequences, what is often overlooked is the interconnectedness of all parts of the human anatomy, their separate contribution to all the parts of the body as a whole and in this case how they can affect thought and the thinking process when they are not functioning properly. The medical community is finally giving some credit to the concept that the internal organs do indeed affect thinking as well as “moods.” Granted, they are only willing to concede and designate that “the gut” does indeed have an affect on the mind and have gone as far as to call the gut, the “second brain.” It may not be completely accurate but, it’s a start in the right direction. This general concept has been part of Herbal lore for thousands of years and has been studied and refined to a very fine degree and the conclusions have been proven accurate.

Few would argue that the brain is an organ that is fed by the blood. If you supplement that fact by the reality that the blood that is feeding the brain has to be produced somewhere other than in the brain itself, it becomes apparent that the brain can only work if it is being fed and maintained by the body and the rest of its organs as a whole. As obvious as this may sound, Traditional Herbal Theory takes that simple fact many steps beyond that simple premise, concluding that although the brain relies on the blood for it’s food and energy in order to work properly, the brain itself doesn’t create, control, filter or, otherwise regulate the blood that is feeding it. Granted there are more details involved but, this conclusion generally ties blood production and maintenance to brain function and thinking.

People commonly associate the effects of stress to their nerves and brain functions in isolation of the rest of the body. True, the nerves and brain functions are affected by stress but only to the extent that they are not being maintained by their support organs. “It is very important to realize that the nerves, brain, and other bodily parts cannot and do not actually maintain themselves. They are maintained by the affects of the other major organs;” the organs that digest what is eaten and turn it into blood as food for the rest of the body. Therefore, in Traditional Herbal Theory it has long been understood that although stress does indeed affect the Heart, the Brain, the Nerves, the Adrenal glands, the Stomach and the Spleen and, by affecting all of these organs, stress also affects Digestion in general first and by extension also circulation afterwards. It is not too much of a stretch to conclude that when these functions are impaired, along with them so is the brain and the ability to think clearly, producing among other things – brain fog, racing thoughts, anxiety, panic attack, etc.

Most people know what blood is and that it circulates but they don’t give a thought to consider that there is much more to circulation than the mere flow of blood and that there is more to blood than it just being a red fluid that leaks out when we are cut. You have to consider that any life giving fluid must also have a life giving energy associated with it on top of the ingredients that constitute healthy blood because raw chemistry alone is not life giving all on its own. The blood carries many things, some scientifically quantifiable, some not. If the blood is carrying toxins they must and certainly will affect the finer chemistry of the body including that of the nerves and brain. The organs that provide the body’s support functions need to be supported and kept balanced in order that the bodily fluids be properly constituted, circulating and kept clean.

The fact that blood production starts in the Stomach with the aid of the Spleen is not insignificant. It stands to reason that if the entire body is being fed by the blood that the Spleen produces, all the other organs are being indirectly fed by the activity of the Spleen and Stomach. Should the spleen be weakened, the whole body feels it. The Spleen is integral to digestion and in order for the digestion to be affected so fundamentally at times of stress the spleen function itself must also be impacted. For more information about Spleen functions click here.

Exstressor is formulated to support and balance these organs and by extension the bodily systems they control. Exstressor does this naturally, and very quickly.

It is because of the stress that the spleen is being affected, which then sets into motion a domino effect that affects blood composition which then weakens the other organs in proportion to the blood’s imbalance which ultimately affects the nerves. When the organs responsible for cleaning and filtering the blood are affected they are often not able to efficiently remove all wastes from the blood. When stressed the body itself prepares itself for the situation, deliberately producing the appropriate hormones but, if this fight or flight condition persist for too long the body gets tired of having to keep up with the ongoing stress.

In modern medical theory, the spleen is said to be responsible for filtering the blood and immunity, but in herbal theory the spleen is responsible for providing bodily heat, extracting the finer ingredients from the fluid essences from food and turning them into blood. In herbal theory, all internal organs are responsible for filtering and refining the blood. When overworked due to stress the spleen becomes tired and generally weakens digestive ability. The ongoing compromised digestion that follows creates a combination of un-metabolized toxins in the blood, compromised blood composition and the lack of energy flow in the blood itself. The body’s own chemistry is then forced to release various hormones to compensate creating several abnormalities in both behavior and eating habits.

As stress affects the stomach and spleen it is not too far fetched to conclude that it will also affect the appetite. People who are stressed are known to have an overly strong or overly weak appetite often with unusually powerful sugar cravings; at times they will eat in binges while at others they will not feel hungry at all. It would make perfect sense to conclude that intelligent food choices should play a critical role in those afflicted by stress and the symptoms it provokes.

Although it is not an appetite suppressant per se, Exstressor may help with appetite control as an all natural appetite balancer. It is ideal for those who are interested in fat burning through appetite control without the use of a “fat burner.” This is pertinent because appetite, digestive problems and weight gain are all very common in stress related situations. (see weight loss)

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Brain Fog Relief, the Cause of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD, Attention Deficit Disorder ADD, Sugar Cravings, Insomnia, Sleep Disorders

Also see Losing Weight and Sleeplessness


[wptabtitle] Ingredients[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]


Euphoriae longanae, Atractylodes, Poriae cocos,  Astragalus, Angelica, Zizphipus, Codonopsis, Panax ginseng, Elecampane, Polygalae, Licorice,  Sarsaparilla, Hawthorne, Rosemary, glycerin (from the capsules)

Featured Ingredients:

  • Astragalus – Fortifies Energy Flow
  • Codonopsis -Fortifies the Spleen and Energy Flow
  • Poirae – “Calms the Spirit,” Aids Digestion
  • Sarsaparilla – Kidney and Adrenal Tonic
  • Hawthorne – Heart Muscle Strengthener
  • Rosemary – Circulation, Heart Strengthener, helps Brain Fog


[wptabtitle] Suggested Use[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]

Dosage: Adult: 2 capsules three times per day between meals with warm water.

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Brain fog, stress, add adhd, natural remedies for Anxiety, anxiety disorder, sugar cravings, attention deficit disorder add, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd, panic attacks, Anxiety disorders, sugar cravings, natural remedies for Anxiety, panic attacks, stress, Brain fog, attention deficit disorder add, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd, sugar cravings, Social anxiety disorder, Brain fog, hyperactivity disorder adhd, Social anxiety, natural remedies for Anxiety, natural remedies for Anxiety, Panic attacks, Stress symptoms, Attention deficit disorder add, adhd

3 thoughts on “Exstressor: Natural Support For Stress Panic Attack Brain Fog Related Issues

  1. jeannine

    I would like to see the back of the bottle of the Exstressor for the ingredients list (complete). It should be accessable on the site.

    1. Amadeus Post author

      No problem. Just go back up to the tabs and you will see a tab that says “ingredients.” Just open it and you will have the ingredients there.

  2. Rhonda Young

    I just want to say this product literally changed my life for the better. I HIGHLY recommend this like I have been doing to any and everyone eho is being challenged with Vertigo and/or Panic Attacks. Thanks to Dr. Sheldon Caesar MD for the recommendation. It is now a part of my Wellness Cabinet.


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