Amalux Products

Paracelsus Anti-Toxin – The Original Swedish Bitters in a Capsule

The Original and Compete Paracelsus Elixir/Swedish Bitters Formula in Capsule Form. In this form Paracelsus Anti-Toxin becomes a Detoxifying formula.

Paracelsus Anti-toxin, swedish bitters, Paracelsus elixir, schwedenbitterParacelsus
100 Capsules
Cost: $38.95

Paracelsus Anti-toxin, swedish bitters, Paracelsus elixir, schwedenbitter

This product is a surprise to anyone have already tried the Paracelsus Elixir in that it acts in a completely different manner than the Elixir. The fact that the herbs have not been infused influences what they will do. The Paraclesus Anti-Toxin, like the name implies is for Detoxing.

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Aureolus Philippus

Born 1493 – Died 1541

Paracelsus Anti-Toxin is an encapsulated version of Paracelsus Elixir – Swedish Bitters. It offers a more convenient alcohol free form of its famous liquid cousin having many of the same properties. It is none-the-less an exquisite formula very well suited to digestive problems in particular and a myriad of other imbalances.

While being the original and complete formula for what has come to be known as Swedish Bitters, it is understandable that the term Paracelsus Anti-Toxin or Paracelsus Elixir is completely unknown to most people. We have therefore used the term Swedish Bitters beside the term Paracelsus Anti-Toxin or Paracelsus Elixir in this article to give our Paracelsus products context.


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[wptabtitle]Product Description[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]

The Paracelsus Anti-Toxin Product

The main difference between this encapsulated formula versus the liquid preparation as Paracelsus Elixir is that in this form the stomach has to do the extracting rather than the alcohol. This makes the same basic formula act entirely differently. The encapsulated form of the Paracelsus formula (Swedish bitters) acts mainly on the digestive organs and sometimes more like an internal detox formula. As a detox it will help the main organs of the body keep the blood cleaner whereby the processes of elimination are enhanced. This naturally will affect such things as the skin and its complexionand the lymphatic system, for the better of course. There are logical conclusions that can be made because of these effects.

Most people who often eat on the run or mainly eat fast foods will find this product very helpful as it detoxes much of the negative in these types of foods. For this reason people who would want to feel better but do not want to make too many changes to their lifestyle may find the Paracelsus Anti-Toxin.

Paracelsus Anti-Toxin should not be used during pregnancy


[wptabtitle] Herbal Philosophy[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]

Traditional Theoretical Information on The Paracelsus Elixir – Anti-Toxin Formula. Both formulas are virtually the same but they act very differently.

When you are buying Paracelsus Elixir or Paracelsus Anti-Toxin you are not buying what is commonly being sold as Swedish Bitters. Presently there are two formulas for Swedish Bitters, the short and the long formula. The most commonly known Swedish Bitters formula on the market today is the well known “Maria Treben formula.” This is the short formula and it was not formulated by Maria Treben herself. It is an abbreviated version of the “long formula” which has many variations and which is not commonly sold because of expense.

Our Paracelsus Elixir formula is the original and therefore complete formula created by Paracelsus over 460 years ago. The proportions of Paracelsus Elixir do not resemble any other formula that is even similar. In Herbalism the proportions of herbs in any formula is very important. None of our herbs are farmed – everything is hand picked in the wild and some of our ingredients are quite expensive. However, our cost ounce per ounce, capsule per capsule is the same or significantly less than what is currently on the market. However, the effect of the complete Paracelsus Elixir formula is “the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.”

The ingredients in our Paracelsus Anti-Toxin do not contain alcohol and are therefore not an elixir but even without the alcohol their effect is very, very similar. Paracelsus Anti-Toxin as the name suggests is very useful for detoxification and the movement of stagnant wastes and the benefits that might be realized by this. You can read about the effects of the Paracelsus Elixir formula by clicking here

Swedish bitters essentially:

  • Help to digest wastes accumulated in the body
  • Move the wastes accumulated by the body
  • Open the channels of the body
  • Provoke circulation
  • Regulates the consistency of the fluids in the body
  • The results of the above mentioned benefits come from the Swedish Bitters formula cleaning the blood.

These effects are achieved by:

  • Supporting digestive functions in all parts of the body
  • Supporting eliminatory functions in all parts of the body
  • Removes obstructions like phlegm permitting the flow of life fluids to all parts of the body.
  • The consequence of these effects is cleaner blood.

This sounds simple. Yet, this is all that is needed to sustain, improve, and maintain bodily functions.

These are the reasons why Paracelsus Elixir, also known as, Swedish Bitters are considered to be a truly “Universal Remedy” and probably the only one of its kind.

Each of the ingredients in Paracelsus Elixir – Swedish Bitters have multiple effects and each complements, moderates and in some cases counters the others possible negative effect. Several are known to support stomach functions, others remove wastes out of the blood, some strengthen the finer heart functions which is an essential, if not well known, principle for the effects of the herbs to be properly distributed via the blood throughout the body, some produce mild dilations that improve circulation – some are astringent, others resolve phlegm while others have well known eliminatory properties. All of these effects being carried throughout the body in a balanced and balancing manner will, through their effects on the organs, modify and normalize the blood and lymphatic fluids and their circulation. As the blood is the life of the whole body and the lymph is the finer eliminatory fluid of the bodily tissues – it is obvious that positive effects upon these fluids can be very beneficial. It should also be considered that if the lymphatic fluids become overloaded with wastes, the wastes will back up into the blood.

Each organ contributes in very many specific ways to the feeding of the body, or the elimination of waste in the body. This is to say that each organ has literally thousands of functions – some known and many still not commonly known. As much as these same functions obviously occur on a macro scale they must also occur on more micro levels. To put this differently; these functions occur in the body as a whole and we are witness to it through our more familiar metabolic functions. But, common sense dictates that this must also occur on a smaller scale within each of the major organs themselves, within the tissues of the flesh, and down to the level of each cell that make up all of the bodily tissues. Some would argue that the scale of these processes proceeds beyond the cells to still finer and higher levels. In spite of the incredible intricacy of these processes all that is taking place in essence is the feeding of the body and its parts and the elimination of its wastes.

To some, the herbs combined may appear to be redundant, that is to say that two or more of the herbs appear to do the same thing or are associated with the same or similar organ functions. But it must be understood that every organ has many thousands of function and correspondingly there are literally thousands of herbs in creation for any one organ or system of the body and no two herbs will do the exact same thing. By combining seemingly similar herbs a more complete enhancement of specific functions is achieved. Paracelsus was acutely aware of this.

As a fundamental premise it must be understood that whenever and wherever work of any kind is being done it will necessarily produce some sort of waste. If an organ is functioning and is being fed by the blood flow to perform its tasks it must also release a type of waste particular to that organ and produce an amount of waste proportional and particular to that organ.

In addition the organs where blood is circulating poorly are always diminished in their capacity by being underfed. This will eventually weaken the organ making it unable to discharge its waste and thereby accumulate its waste. These accumulated wastes due to the environment of the body and the nature of the waste will degenerate into phlegm, clogging the pores of an organ inhibiting the easy flow of fluids that feed and remove waste through it. The phlegms can also have distinctive qualities (more acid or alkaline) that will determine the nature of the condition they create ( too hot, too cold, or stagnation. This can occur throughout the body inclusive of all membranes and skin. Were these situations not to occur the causes of many ailments would not have a reason to manifest. And, it is understandable that in the event of these occurrences, should these fundamental functions be restored the problem would subside. In addition what ever is done to properly maintain these processes would prevent problems from occurring.

It can also happen that if an organ is not being fed properly or if that organ’s wastes are not being dispelled – that organ will eventually have a problem. Or, at times an organ can also consume too much or not enough of its proportion of available food (energy). Which can create still other problems.

This premise (feeding & elimination), like any good functioning principle is as simple as it is elegant. This principle differs greatly from the assumption of current nutritional theory that it is the “nutritional value” of a health product that is healing. It should be stated that have a problem. Or, at times an organ can also consume too much or not enough of its proportion of available food (energy). Which can create still other problems.

This premise (feeding & elimination), like any good functioning principle is as simple as it is elegant. This principle differs greatly from the assumption of current nutritional theory that it is the “nutritional value” of a health product that is healing. It should be stated that herbs as compared to a vitamin or an amino acid supplement functions on an entirely different principle.

That whatever is ingested into the body will produce a reaction is a logical and fore drawn conclusion. The effect of a vitamin or an amino acid is not a complete effect and usually needs to be sustained because its effect does not produce an actual equilibrium in the body. This can be proven because they need to be taken continually. On the other hand an herb used for the right reason at the right time produces a complete balance and in a relatively short time will eventually render itself unnecessary. In herbal theory an herb is a completely digestible alternative and is not taken for its nutritive value at all but for its ability to change a hot condition into a cooler one and a cooler condition into a warmer one or to provoke movement where there is stagnation. Example: it is an established fact that vitamin C will cure scurvy. However, whereas one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, with a relatively small amount of vitamin C, will cure it – larger amounts of even the best quality of the shelf vitamin C will merely treat it but not cure it. Many common foods do the same thing. In this regard the superb herbal combination of Paracelsus Elixir – Swedish Bitters are a balancing formula like none other.

To further punctuate what was said earlier; according to Traditional Herbal Theory, every major organ in the body corresponds to a similarly functioning organ down to the cellular level. The major organs can be seen as the masters of their particular function in the body. With this in mind it must be remembered that each cell must feed itself and eliminate its waste in much the same way as the body as a whole does. In order to do this it must have similar organs to those of the entire body only on a micro scale. The state of the major organs will affect the corresponding micro organs within the cells and their function at the cellular level very much like a single large tuning fork will affect smaller tuning forks of the same key. This “harmonic” relationship means that if you affect a major organ you will also affect the smaller corresponding cellular organs at the same time both by the major organ harmonic and also as the herbal ingredients reach them throughout the body via the blood.

This can also happen in reverse. If an external compress is applied to the body it can affect through the skin the other internal organs. But more interestingly a substance applied to the skin could only be effective if that substance can be digested in some manner by those tissues from the skin or in the flesh itself. This could only happen if there are micro organs in the cells of the flesh itself. This is also why a wound properly dressed with the proper nutrients will heal faster and without scarring.

More to the point by the intake of Paracelsus Elixir – Swedish Bitters all of the major internal organs are affected and by extension so is the rest of the body. This being the case a true Swedish Bitter – Paracelsus Elixir can justifiably be called an Elixir Ad Longam Vitam (Elixir for a Long Life) or as Paracelsus called it, a “Life Elixir.” Should Paracelsus Elixir be applied externally they will also work at that level (locally) on the problem just as thoroughly as they would internally.


[wptabtitle] Ingredients[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]

Ingredients: Licorice, Nutmeg, Aloe, Turkish Rhubarb, Calamus, Myrrh, Zedoary root, Dittany, Gentian, Angelica Root, Kaolin, Carline thistle, Camphor, Tormentilla, Mace, Senna, Saffron. Note: A true Theriac is a compound made with honey and is therefore not conducive to encapsulation. We could therefore not include the Theriac Venetian in this formula.


[wptabtitle] Suggested Use[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]


Paracelsus Elixir Swedish bitters swedish bitter One capsule after meals with warm or hot water to start.
Paracelsus Elixir Swedish bitters swedish bitter Two capsules after meals with warm or hot water.
Paracelsus Elixir Swedish bitters swedish bitter Two capsules can be emptied into a cup of hot water (not microwaved), steeped for about 7 to 10 minutes and made into a tea. This preparation is excellent for digestive functions and discomforts.



The Paracelsus Anti-Toxin should be used for about 30 – 45 days observing the suggested dosages to see benifits.

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2 thoughts on “Paracelsus Anti-Toxin – The Original Swedish Bitters in a Capsule

    1. Amadeus Post author

      Hi Andre,

      To date we have no Canadian distributor. If you wish to buy the Paracelsus product you will need to order them from our website. Thank you for your interest.


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