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The Concept of Evocation

Previous Article – Practice Of Magical Evocation by Franz Bardon

We Can All Produce An Evocation But It Is Unconscious As A Result Of Blind Emotion

The practice of Evocation is not a conscious part of everyday life for most people. Yet, Evocation is part of every religious ceremony from the East and the West. In a small way anyone who prays is practicing a form of Evocation. But because in prayer there is no conscious control of what is being summoned, the supplication of prayer is termed an invocation as are most religious ceremonies. To consciously summon the help or consult of angelic beings is evocation. This can also be done for negative purposes of negative beings as is witnessed by the tragic story of Faust. However, the work and purpose of Franz Bardon is dedicated only towards positive ends.

On another, very different note, every time we are angry, sad, depressed, or experiencing any kind of negative emotional state, we are drawing to ourselves beings that are compatible with that emotional state. They feed off it and would like us to experience it because it gives them energy. The same thing happens when we are truly happy, in love, courageous, steadfast or in any kind of positive state of virtue. The positive beings do not feed off us, instead them strengthen. This is a simple kind of evocation that most are generally unconscious of but can still feel the presence of what is tormenting or strengthening us.

evocation catholic massTraditionally Christian worship involves church ceremony. The Catholic Mass is a good example of this. The Mass itself however was designed by the bishops of the day and is a copy of an Egyptian Evocation ceremony in every detail. All of the symbolism representing the Four Elements is ever present. The candles or Crucifix represent the Element of Fire. The Chalices represent the Water Element. The Staff or shepherds crook being symbolic of a magic Wand is symbolic of the Air Element. And, the money is symbolic of the Earth Element.

Incense is used as well as are the symbolic garments of the priests. The altar and tabernacle, all of these are fundamental in the practice of evocation. The Mass however is not an evocation, it is instead an invocation. The difference being a matter of control. The above mentioned symbolic artifacts are also worn ceremonially by monarchs who at one time were also trained is these arts. In the place of the crucifix a sword or the lit sensor suspended from the ceiling is used, but in the place of a staff or magic wand, a scepter is present and so on.

Whereas an invocation takes place outside of the control of the person or people involved, an Evocation is the ability to consciously communicate with beings in the world unseen under the complete control of a spiritually mature human being. Being made in the image of God we should not be surprised that a human being should have these capabilities. These beings were created by God as well but, we as human beings understandably have dominion over them when we are mature enough to handle it. At this stage of development a human being is rightfully called a Magus (Magician) acting with the full authority of Divine Providence and can commune with authority with beings positive or negative from the beyond. It must be stated that at this stage of development only ends that are positive and noble will interest someone who has come this far in their spiritual development in their attempts to come closer to the Creator.

Event though Evocation is part of the Christian Mysteries it is understandable that because of the distortions made to modern day Christianity one would not recognize this as such. It should be remembered that there is only One leader of Christianity and that is Christ. All others are imposters and do everything in there power to keep the world from Christianity. This statement need not be believed. One simply needs to look at history and observe the behaviour of those who have called themselves or made themselves the leaders of Christianity. Paracelsus says it best!

Even the most primitive of peoples have always had an inkling of the existence of beings that are non physical and that depending on the nature of these beings they can influence our lives independent of our will. They can be called upon to influence our lives, or they can at times create mischief affecting our lives. Some people refer to these beliefs as superstition. Yet many of those same people pray, inferring that they too seek the help of that which is invisible.

What primitive tribes try to achieve in their sometimes unusual dances and ceremonies many civilized and Christian people attempt through prayer. In essence both are trying to achieve the same end. Whereas the former often address some sort of nature spirit in their pagan ritual, the latter supplicate through belief and simple prayer the only true God and Jesus Christ. Often because some of the Churches have deliberately distorted Christian beliefs many have supplicated non-existent saints in futility. If these feel that they have been tangibly helped it is their own belief that has helped them.

Both of these groups are trying to address a higher invisible being to aid them in some way. Be it to help in calamity, for peace of mind, to bring rain, to enlighten, to bless and so on. These practices are invocations. The supplicant has no power they can exert to openly commune with the beings they seek. In other words they have no control over the proceedings. This is not to say that the Almighty Father does not listen to and answer those who believe in Him. Many can attest to prayers having been answered. (those who pray from their heart, rather than their intellect, in love for the Father are heard)

Franz Bardon, Evocation, Spiritual Beings, Pentagram, Tarot, Phantoms, Angels, occult ritual, Rituals, Magician, Magic Formulas, Ritual magic, Beings of the beyond, astral plane, wiccan magick, Ceremonial magic, satanic Pacts, Ritual magic, Magician, Mermaid, Rituals, Necromancy, Tarot, Undine, Vampires, Werewolf, Wicca, Franz Bardon, Evocation, Angels, Beings in the beyond, Pentagram, astral plane, Pacts, Christian Mysteries, Mermaid, Ritual garments, Necromancy, Tarot, Undine, Vampires, Franz Bardon, Phantoms, Evocation, Angels, Mermaid, Pacts, Pentagram, Undine, Vampires, Werewolf, Wicca
The Practice of
Magical Evocation

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by Franz Bardon
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Franz Bardon, Evocation, Spiritual Beings, Pentagram, Tarot, Phantoms, Angels, occult ritual, Rituals, Magician, Magic Formulas, Ritual magic, Beings of the beyond, astral plane, wiccan magick, Ceremonial magic, satanic Pacts, Ritual magic, Magician, Mermaid, Rituals, Necromancy, Tarot, Undine, Vampires, Werewolf, Wicca, Franz Bardon, Evocation, Angels, Beings in the beyond, Pentagram, astral plane, Pacts, Christian Mysteries, Mermaid, Ritual garments, Necromancy, Tarot, Undine, Vampires, Franz Bardon, Phantoms, Evocation, Angels, Mermaid, Pacts, Pentagram, Undine, Vampires, Werewolf, Wicca

The question is however if there is a Supreme Being, and there most certainly is, and if we are made in His image, and, if that God commands all of creation (while respecting the free will of human beings) and all beings in it, then we being in His image latently have this same authority. This ability is limited in most human beings because of the gross lacking in maturity of the vast majority of humanity.

If the maturity is present however, the ability can be developed. Once a human being has mastered himself completely then he will also be able to communicate freely with the unseen beings. These beings are in various categories and hierarchies. They exist in spheres, that is to say, in planes of different vibrations. These vibrational spheres have existed since the very beginning. They are the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn spheres. In these spheres live various beings in a hierarchal order. These spheres contain both positive and negative beings. (It is by the order of these spheres that the basis for our subdivision of time is based. Out of this have come our time pieces and western calendars.)

The purpose of communicating with these beings is to learn about any field of knowledge (which is where it comes from anyway), to seek help on specific matters, and much more. This is not only a vital part of human existence, it is part of Christian belief even if it is completely divorced or forbidden from Church doctrines. (If it is tabooed by the churches because the Holy Bible appears to forbid it – remember in who’s hands the Holy Bible has been in for millennia and for how long common people were kept illiterate so that they could not read its contents. If knowledge is power and to control knowledge is to have control of power then it stands to reason that to keep people from complete knowledge is to have control over people. Therefore that there may have been some creative editing of the Holy Script in favor of those in power is very probable and in fact very likely.)

Like Hermetics this art is also an exact science that mature human beings may practice. This is what The Practice of Magical Evocation by Franz Bardon explains in the greatest of detail.

Next Article – Magical Evocation and Kabbalistic Astrology

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