spiritual books, bardon, jakob lorber, paracelsus, swedenborg

Robert Fludd: Principles Of The Kabbalah Made Understandable

Kabbalah from a Christian Mysticism Perspective On The Principles of Robert Fludd and Franz Bardon.

In today’s world the term Kabbalah is more associated with celebrity rather than being a very high spiritual concept. In the Christian world it is not even part of the general philosophy nor has it got a clear conceptual framework to even make it understandable. In other words, the very idea of Kabbalah is unknown conceptually. If one were to say that God created everything it would be an accepted fact but, if the act of creation was accomplished through Kabbalistic means it would be tantamount to heresy, an “occult evil” or completely written off as lunacy and then dropped from the conversation completely.

Yet, in early Christendom the concept was at least represented with the wrongly interpreted “Earth centric” model which was not an astronomical representation of reality at all but instead an extremely accurate representation of the Kabbalistic Order.

Below are placed two allegorical representations by Robert Fludd. The upper depiction shows the causes of meteorological phenomena and the lower depiction is called the Plan of Universal Causes. We include the work of Robert Fludd in our site in connection with Franz Bardon because Bardon states that he was Robert Fludd in another incarnation. As Robert Fludd, Franz Bardon wrote extensively about the sacred mysteries in relation to Christianity. In his most recent incarnation he wrote the sacred mysteries in a completely unveiled manner and in the most universal manner in history.

For this reason placing the works of Robert Fludd and Franz Bardon side by side it is obvious that the information correlated perfectly.

Forbert Fludd, Kabbalalistic Astrology, Kabbalah, Cabalah, Robert Fludd, Sephirothic tree, kabbalah, Amalux, Angels, Astrological Calculator, Kabbalah, Cabala, Divination, Egyptian Magic, Kabbalah, Franz Bardon, Jupiter, Kabbalah, Natal Kabbalistic Astrology, mercury, moon sphere, Order of the Spheres, Saturn, Practice of Magical Evocation, Sun sphere, Venus, Zodiac, Amalux, Angels, Astrological Calculator, Cabbala, Divination, Egyptian Astrology, Franz Bardon, Jupiter, Kabbalah, Natal Kabbalistic Astrology, mercury, Order of the Spheres, Saturn sphere, Practice of Magical Evocation, Sun, Venus, Zodiac, Amalux, Angels, Astrological Calculator, Cabbalah, Franz Bardon, Kabbalah, moon, Zodiac

The Depiction of Meteorological Divination


Robert Fludd

We have redrawn this image and translated it from Latin from the original 16th century drawing. The print measures 11 by 17 inches and costs $15.00.

robert fludd, Quabalah, third tarot card, Quabbalah, Quabballah, Kabbalah, Cabala, Kaballah, Kabbala, Kabbalah, Cabalah, Christian, Kabbalah, Christian Mysteries, Esoteric Letters, Four Letter Keys, Franz Bardon, God, Hermes, Kabbalah, Kabbalistic Astrology, Kabbalistic Word, Kabbalist, Magic Formulas, Magician, Magick, Mantra, Order of the Spheres, Pentagram, Qabbalah, Quabbalah, Ritual magic, Rituals, Spirit, Tantras, Tarot, Tetragammaton, Cosmic Language, Laws of Analogy, Three Letter Keys, Truth, Two Letter Keys, Wicca, Squaring the Circle, Franz Bardon, Cabbalah, Kabbalist, Kabbalistic Mysticism, Magician, Magick, Mantra, Order of the Spheres, Ritual magic, Spirit, Tantras, Tarot, Truth, Wicca, Franz Bardon, Cabbalist, Kabbalist, Mantras, Tantras, Tarot

Other redrawn Robert Fludd Prints Another redrawn Robert Fludd Print lower on this page

The Chart below is a summary of the contents of the chart of Depiction of Meteorological Divination above and can also be related to the chart: Plan of Universal Causes below. Both of these charts are by Robert Fludd and show different themes of relationships.

Sphere Names of God Sephira Order of Angels Chief of Angels Ethereal Circle
1 Ehieh Kether Seraphim Metatron Primum Mobile
2 Iah Hokhmah Cherubim Ruziel Stellar Heaven
3 Elohim- Stellar Heaven Binah Thrones Zabkiel Saturn
4 El Hesed Dominations Zadkiel Jupiter
5 Elohim gibor Geburah Powers Samael Mars
6 Eloah Tifereth Virtues Michael Sun
7 Jehovah Sabaoth Netsah Principalities Anael Venus
8 Elohim Sabaoth Hod Archangels Raphael Mercury
9 Sadai Yesod Angels Gabriel Moon
10 Adonai Malkuth Souls Soul of the Messiah Elements

Below is an explanation of the Kabbalistic principles shown in the Depiction of Meteorological Divination above. The relationships to the Sephirothic Spheres and the planets named after them are such that the distinction between Kabbalistic Astrology and regular Mantic Astrology are evident. These practical applications of Kabbalah shows its universality and how they relate to Christianity.

Robert Fludd stratifies this chart into three basic sections representing a cause, an effect and a consequence – the cause being God and His spiritual world, the effect being the created world and, in this context, the consequence being the effect upon incarnated mankind. The uppermost section presents at its center the incomprehensible, indescribable Deity flanked by His ten primary ideas expressed by the corresponding Hebrew names of God, Angelic Orders, Numbers, Chief Angels and Etheric Planetary Spheres in complete accord with the Sephirothic Kabbalistic Order. The Deity is symbolized as an eternal ever-present, all penetrating Light perpetually radiating its resplendent brilliance into the darkness having the Tetragrammaton (Hebrew four letter word meaning Jehovah) in its center, distinguishing this Light from all others. It should be noted that the Etheric Planetary Spheres and the planets of the solar system are not, and therefore cannot be dealt with as though they were one and the same. The physical planets are named after and are analogous to those named in the Etheric. These correspondences correlate exactly to the Key to the True Kabbalah and the Practice of Magical Evocation by Franz Bardon.

This preface, if you will, establishes God as the Prime Mover, His order supreme; the Guiding Cause of all that follows below. The connection between God and the Sun (sphere) in the Kabbalistic Order is further exemplified in the center of the chart by the Sun receiving the Light from God. In the New Revelation writing Jakob Lorber describes the importance of the Sun to spiritual development in the work; The Spiritual Sun. This is further emphasized by the excerpt from Psalm 19, “In the Sun hath He set His tabernacle.” By these interrelated symbols the true Kabbalah and Christianity are married and in complete accord with each other. Furthermore, there is a physical Sun, which is visible to anyone on Earth and a corresponding Spiritual Sun which in the relevant work of Jakob Lorber is the “Heaven” of the afterlife which is often referred to Biblically.

To the left and right, in the etheric darkness above the hemispheric vault of the Earth’s atmosphere are two charts. They are placed here deliberately to show that affects that the radiance originating from above the Earth have and that planetary aspects, can and do actively effect the general weather and some meteorological phenomena of the Earth. If these aspects are known and can be anticipated an accurate prognostication can be made because of it. The chart on the left offers specific effects caused by planetary conjunctions, oppositions, and squares upon the Earth’s weather within the four seasons indicated as V – Spring, AE – Summer, A – Autumn, and H – Winter.

To the right is a circular chart showing planetary aspects enabling one to generally predict weather.

The words; “Opening of the great gates of heaven” are in the outer circle. Under these words there are various astronomical aspects well known to astrologers – astronomers that produce rainfall when present.

These are, the Moon is passing out of conjunction, square, or opposition with the Sun, Jupiter , or Mars and directly transits Saturn, Mercury, or Venus or Vice versa. Astrologers predict abundant rain and possible flooding under these aspects.

The next circle shows the opening of the “lesser doors of heaven” by which aspects consequentially produce rainfall. These were kept secret that the astrologers seldom divulged, because this information could be very useful.

The central portion of the chart shows the Sun and Moon tracking across the vault of the sky from the Eastern Sunrise to the Western Sunset. Within this vault the meteorological phenomena precipitate from the starry heaven of space through the three strata of atmosphere and onto the physical Earth as a result of planetary and stellar alignment and their emitted “specifica,” light reflecting in the layers of the atmosphere, emissions from the Earth itself, the “breath” of the Earth (winds) and the effects by unseen beings that Fludd refers to as good angels, bad angels and demons.

In the outermost crescent of the hemisphere are unusual flame like lights, meteors, comets and glittering scintilla. Some of the signatures of these comets are described as auspiciously reddish, dark or silvery-blue, others are more favorable in their pinkish or splendid light. Again, these are described in detail by Jakob Lorber in his Earth and Moon, some as having been projected or borne out of the Earth itself. Some of course are comets from outer space with known periodic orbits. The composition of these and their emitted radiance makes their effects generally detrimental and only rarely beneficial.

Below these in the next crescent are depicted various types of precipitation – some common, some unusual. Among the most common are rains, snow, thunder and lightening, trembling lights within clouds and winds. Among the less frequent and often destructive are extreme thunder with lightening bolts, hail, sudden strong wind gusts, hurricanes and disruptive whirlwinds (what might be referred to as tornados at present). The rarest grouping being described as “monstrous showers” to more literally emphasize that they are extremely out of the ordinary. These include frogs, blood, and stones (fish have also been known to fall from the sky – Biblical fire and brimstone) falling from the sky. (These come as a result of “specifica” maturing prematurely in the atmosphere – see Lorber; Earth and Moon).

Some of these phenomena are attributed, in addition to implied strictly physical effects, to the actions of good angels, bad angels and malicious demons also described in great detail by Lorber.

In the lower crescent representing the lower atmosphere closest to the Earth surface are depicted, in addition to the effects produced by reflected light and fine precipitates out of moisture, are the twelve winds. The atmospheric effects produced due to reflected light, light passing through atmospheric humidity, rains or mists, the lens like effect of the atmosphere on light and cloud formation are colorations and magnifications of Sun and Moon, parallel light shafts from the Sun shining through clouds and the like. The very familiar circular and arch shaped rainbows due to light refraction are described as are halos around the Sun, Moon and other stars, the sunlight refracted through the atmosphere producing reddishness in the evening sky.

The very common appearances of the Moon in the sky in the morning sky and reflections of the Sun itself in the sky are also shown. These phenomena are primarily light produced and may be one reason why Fludd has named this chart in Latin as CATOPTRUM METEOROGRAPHICUM. Catoptrics is the study of phenomena produced by reflected light and/or rays of various types being acted upon for the purpose of divination.

Such apparent low cloud formations called “goats,” shooting or flying stars, the very fine precipitate that produces dew and frost borne out of the very finest vapors of the lower atmosphere are shown. It is also very possible that in the lower atmosphere observed at the Earth surface that various types of mirages such as temples appearing in the sky due to reflection are very possible.

In many of these phenomena importance is placed on the position or point of view of the observer in order to observe some of these projected effects. This positioning is referred to as “aspect.” For instance, in order to see a rainbow the observer must have the Sun shining behind him in order for the refracted colors of the rainbow to be projected in front of him. The observer must be between the Sun and the rainbow.

There is also and explanation for the effect of light shining against the darkness of space to produce the familiar cerulean or very dark blue of the sky.

The twelve winds from all points of the compass are of particular interest as they can bring good and bad influences with them depending upon their direction and the lands they traverse before arriving at their ultimate destination. Although the principles of the character inherent in the directional origin of the specific winds are made, the reference to the southern or African winds make the effects of these winds described specifically relative to Europe.

The lowest portion of the chart is divided into three portions. In the central portion a man is reclining on the Earth. By incarnating, Man has no choice but to bear the weight of effects causes from the Spiritual world, the effects of the astral world and consequences of upon the physical and, therefore is at the very bottom of the chart. Out of his mouth he utters the statement: “Man is the perfection and end of all the creatures in the world.” This statement is of immense significance yet is not explained by Robert Fludd in this chart. Here the writings of Jakob Lorber are of immeasurable value. What is being uttered means that all of the “material spirit substance,” out of which the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdom are composed, goes through a progression from the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms culminating in the human being where it can be potentially perfected and made freer. To be clear – this is NOT “the evolution of species.” In the human being the progression of physical matter does end in the vessel made in the image of God for the salvation of both the human being and the physical matter.

Flanking the recumbent man are two explanations: on the left, one of astronomical phenomena sent by good angelic beings to be beneficial to mankind, and on the right, other astronomical phenomena sent by malevolent angels as a scourge to mankind.

The benevolent angels send favorable winds, rains, dew (which is a benevolent manna to plant and animal life on Earth as opposed to the bad dew which has the opposite effect), Tornados/hurricanes, cold, ice, clouds, rains and lightening. Whereas the malevolent angels bring fiery whirlwinds with and without demons, furious winds, rains, springs, thunder and lightening, and hail.

What ever is of malevolent origin is sometimes sent to punish the Earthly inhabitants in the listed extreme Biblical precipitates of Sulphur and Brimstone but in the more everyday occurrences like rains and snow the unseen spiritual activities that bring them about is to balance out unseen evils by the angels that oversee and maintain the Earth.

Each statement made in these two lower left and right panels are supported by Biblical sources indicating where similar events have taken place in the context of the consequence of human behaviour, spiritual justice and the consequent Heavenly Will (FIAT).

In conclusion Robert Fludd proves that he is no fool. He shows that his thinking is clear and sound and, devoid of usual superstition borne out of pure ignorance or baseless theory of his time. His explanations of atmospheric phenomenon is scientific but he also emphasizes the over riding guidance of Divine Providence in all things. The guidance of Divine Providence is shown to be very structured, orderly, rational and completely contained within true Kabbalistic and Christian teachings. It is presented in a manner that few if any are capable of disputing.

Again, all of the observations, conclusions and axioms laid down by Robert Fludd are completely substantiated by the Holy Bible, Franz Bardon and Jakob Lorber with mathematical preciseness. Franz Bardon and Jakob Lorber go even further to explain our existence in details not before written.

kabbalah, Amalux, Angels, Astrological Calculator, Kabbalah, Cabala, Divination, Egyptian Magic, Kabbalah, Franz Bardon, Jupiter, Kabbalah, Natal Kabbalistic Astrology, mercury, moon sphere, Order of the Spheres, Saturn, Practice of Magical Evocation, Sun sphere, Venus, Zodiac, Amalux, Angels, Astrological Calculator, Cabbala, Divination, Egyptian Astrology, Franz Bardon, Jupiter, Kabbalah, Natal Kabbalistic Astrology, mercury, Order of the Spheres, Saturn sphere, Practice of Magical Evocation, Sun, Venus, Zodiac, Amalux, Angels, Astrological Calculator, Cabbalah, Franz Bardon, Kabbalah, moon, Zodiac, Kabbalalistic Astrology, Kabbalah, Cabalah, Robert Fludd, Plan of universal causes

The Plan of Universal Causes

Robert Fludd
We have redrawn this image and translated it from Latin from the original 16th century drawing. The print measures 11 by 17 inches and costs $15.00.

robert fludd, Quabalah, third tarot card, Quabbalah, Quabballah, Kabbalah, Cabala, Kaballah, Kabbala, Kabbalah, Cabalah, Christian, Kabbalah, Christian Mysteries, Esoteric Letters, Four Letter Keys, Franz Bardon, God, Hermes, Kabbalah, Kabbalistic Astrology, Kabbalistic Word, Kabbalist, Magic Formulas, Magician, Magick, Mantra, Order of the Spheres, Pentagram, Qabbalah, Quabbalah, Ritual magic, Rituals, Spirit, Tantras, Tarot, Tetragammaton, Cosmic Language, Laws of Analogy, Three Letter Keys, Truth, Two Letter Keys, Wicca, Squaring the Circle, Franz Bardon, Cabbalah, Kabbalist, Kabbalistic Mysticism, Magician, Magick, Mantra, Order of the Spheres, Ritual magic, Spirit, Tantras, Tarot, Truth, Wicca, Franz Bardon, Cabbalist, Kabbalist, Mantras, Tantras, Tarot

Other redrawn Robert Fludd Prints Another redrawn Robert Fludd Print higher on this page

The Plan of Universal Causes is another depiction of Kabbalistic relationships between the Sephirothic Tree and other phenomena of life, and the Active and Passive nature of “The Light.”

This Chart depicts The Plan of Universal Causes by Robert Fludd (translated from the original Latin) out of his Collectio Operum. It must be remembered that this was published in the 1600’s and that Kabbalah is a universal body of knowledge exclusive to no one. The chart depicts Kabbalistic Theory from the Christian perspective without diminishing the Hebraic Theory. The Theories of Robert Fludd correlate to Franz Bardon and Jakob Lorber exactly.

This chart also shows the scope of angelic influence within creation in general and to distinguish between the commonly practiced Mantic Astrology and Kabbalistic Astrology. The main difference being Mantic Astrology and Kabbalistic Astrology is the former is actually astronomical, measuring and tracking the physical planets and stars whose effect is physical and the latter which is actually concerned with the effect of the unseen astral influences upon life. The effects in Mantic Astrology are based strictly on the emitted light “particles” or reflections thereof from the heavenly bodies upon our Earth – whereas Kabbalistic Astrology deals with the actual Divine Order of the Astral Beings (Angels, Archangels, Intelligences, Genii, Seraphs, and Cherubs etc) that dispense the Will of God. Both are significant but worlds apart in their modus operandai.

The effects of Kabbalistic astrology are recognized by sound and number which is also the fundamental premise of Kabbalah. In Kabbalah, observing everything from colour to geometry, time of day to the time of birth has significance. This is also the basis for the ancient Laws of Analogy and Signature. Basically, Mantic Astrology is actually determining physical astronomical influence while Kabbalistic Astrology is actually determining Astral influences as the chart above further exemplifies. Because of the prognostic quality of Kabbalistic Astrology its information has commonly and often recklessly been inappropriately borrowed by Mantic Astrology. The accuracy and reliability of conclusions drawn and prognostications made using this mish-mashed information are for the individual to determine.

This does not mean that these forms of Astrology applied with the proper understanding within their scope cannot be extremely useful and accurate.

robert fludd, rosicrucian, rosenkreutz, christian, mystic, mysticism, sephiroth, Quabalah, Quabbalah, Quabballah, Kabbalah, Cabala, Kaballah, Kabbala, Kabbalah, Cabalah, Christian, Kabbalah, Christian Mysteries, Franz Bardon, God, Kabbalistic Astrology, Kabbalist, Order of the Spheres, Qabbalah, Quabbalah, Tetragammaton, Laws of Analogy, Tarot

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