spiritual books, bardon, jakob lorber, paracelsus, swedenborg

Christian Mysticism And The Occult

Occult Knowledge Is Just Hidden Knowledge Not Evil Knowledge

Getting Past The Misconception

There is a good reason why things sacred are protected by an almost ritual silence. Things that are sacred revolve around profound understandings that become apparent only through a meditative effort. When that epiphany like awareness makes itself known, it brings an entirely different concept of existence to light to such a degree that to share it might profane it; not because sharing is not good but because the revelation so changes our concept of existence that it can only be grasped when a person is ready for it or has been given the insight from within as if by personal revelation or through spiritual guidance.

The need to not speak of it comes from respect for the concept and to protect yourself from others both from ridicule or scorn but also to protect them from defiling it. Out of that comes it’s sacredness.

There seems to be some confusion about what God permits us to do and what He prohibits us from doing. The Commandments are said to be the laws of God that must not be broken. Yet, all of the Biblical commandments are not “must” laws. They are “thou shalt” laws. Meaning that they are recommended guide lines for a better life. We are not compelled to follow them by force. There is not a person alive who has not broken one or several of the Biblical Commandments in the course of their lifetime! We are often told throughout the Bible to beware of unsavory spiritual and material practices. Usury is considered an extreme evil in the Bible. Yet, this blood sucking practice is rampant in the world today and almost everyone is subject to it. Yet, it is legal and the worst offenders are often the “respectable” “pillars of society.”

It is impossible to investigate matters of the spirit without understanding what is good and what is evil. A human being is free. That is how God made us.

“Jesus died to take away our sins. Not our minds!” To question, examine and think is a spiritual prerequisite. Of what value would we be in God’s eyes if we choose to remain ignorant out of fear about the very creation that He created for us. Good and evil exist side by side everywhere on Earth for a good reason. While here we should learn to cultivate our love for God above all else first, followed by love for our fellow man.

In a society that is already evil and getting worse all the time to the dismay of many, what is wrong with investigating what this society tells us is evil. After all if an evil person tells us what is evil, then the opposite must be true. To someone who is evil, that which is good is considered to be evil. A usurer sees profiteering as the greatest good, if you get my drift. Therefore to investigate the mystical matters of the spirit (occult) with intelligence, prudence and love cannot be evil. Those who say that it is must have investigated it themselves first. Otherwise, how else could they make their statements with such absoluteness. If they make their dire statements without having investigated first wouldn’t that make them hypocrites?

The word  occult is of Latin origin and simply means, “something which is hidden or concealed.” All too often the connotation of the word “occult” is associated with evil. But, there are many things that are hidden from our sight that are not evil. Our inner organs are hidden from plain view for good reason. Does that make them evil? Most people cannot see through a wall to witness the activity on the other side. Does that make that activity evil? Most people believe they have a spirit and associate it with good but without ever having seen it. Clearly, pinning evil to that which is unseen or “occult” is a premature judgment based on blind, uninformed and prejudiced superstition.

In strictly spiritual terms; how many people alive today have seen the person of Jesus Christ with their own eyes? Shall we say; virtually no one! How do we know He existed or exists? The fact that most of us cannot see Him means that He is hidden from our view. This would make the Lord Jesus Christ by definition an occult figure. Yet, no one could conclude anything negative about the Lord Jesus Christ from this.

Mysticism in general, and Christian Mysticism in particular can be dealt with in the same manner.

(Note: Any mystical practices that require money up front or membership for their instruction are false and misleading practices. Mystical practices are by definition non-physical and cannot be acquired through the world. They are Spiritual and therefore an inner effort is required for their pursuit.)

This is not to say that people should be foolish when investigating spiritual matters. Even though the truth always remains the truth, one does not have to jump off a cliff to prove that gravity exists. Matters of the spirit are necessarily part of our physical life, otherwise physical existence could not be possible and would serve no purpose. We are born to overcome the physical life and develop our spiritual lives rejecting the “evil” polarity and embracing the “good” polarity. Therefore as Christians we are meant to live a “spiritual” life. Since our spirit is hidden, this is as much as to say that we should have an “occult” life. This is in no way suggesting or synonymous with having an evil life.

Therefore, our spiritual life is an occult life that we all experience but choose to live at different degrees of depth. Some consider blind belief to be a highly spiritual thing, others might call this simple minded zeal or utter stupidity and rightly so. If we are to believe intelligently then we must understand what it is that we are believing, why we believe it, why is it good to believe it, how does it benefit one to believe it, does this particular belief hold a beneficial spiritual advantage, is this belief real and true, false and misleading or simply distorted?

The belief itself is a quantitative thing. It is love that makes a belief qualitative. Christianity teaches love above all else. Therefore, ones spiritual life is dead without love and to search into spiritual (occult) matters with love will discern for most people the good from the evil that exists in all things be they material or spiritual. It should also be remembered that “to the pure of heart all things are pure.”

Both good and evil do exist. Yet, good and evil are also concepts. Example: Even though anger is generally considered as universally evil, righteous anger is considered good. This logic can be applied to anything and is part of mystery. “A bread knife is generally regarded as useful when used for cutting bread, but it can also be used to harm someone.” The bread knife being neither good not evil in not to be blamed.

Franz Bardon, Jakob Lorber and Paracelsus were devout, even orthodox Christians. They wrote on Christian mysticism more precisely and prolifically than most. They offer a clear introduction into the laws that govern existence and their relation to the Bible – More commonly known as Christian Mysticism.

Franz Bardon, metaphysics, Christianity, Christian Mysticism Essays, Spirit, Aura, Akasha, Tarot, Adept,Wicca, witchcraft, Akashic Record, Clairvoyance, Christianity, Christian Mysticism Essays, Kabbalah, Evocation, Karma, magick Spells, four elements, Franz Bardon, Christianity, Christian Mysticism Essays, occult science, Initiation into Hermetics, occultism, Christian Mysteries, mysteries,metaphysics, Akasha, Tarot, Spirit, Adept, Wicca, witchcraft, Akashic record, Clairvoyance, Kabbalah, Hermetik, Hermetic, Evocation, Karma, the four elements, Magic mirror, occult magic, Franz Bardon, Akasha, metaphysics, spirits, Tarot, wiccan, witchcraft, Clairvoyance, Kabbalah, Evocation, Hermetics, Aura, Franz Bardon hermes trismegistus, toth, trismagistus, hermetics Hermes Trismegistus nostradamusMichele de Nostradamus robert fluddRobert Fludd Paracelsus, Prophet Daniel, Christianity, Christian Mysticism Essays, Philosophia Mystica, prophesies of the prophet Daniel, Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Paracelsus, Philosophia Mystica, book of Daniel, Paracelsus,Christianity, Christian Mysticism Essays,  mystical philosophy, Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus bombast of hoenheim, Prophet Daniel, mystical philosophy, prophesies of the prophet Daniel, Christianity, Christian Mysticism Essays, book of Daniel, Philosophia Mystica, Paracelsus, Theophrastus Paracelsus, the prophet Daniel, book of Daniel, prophesies of the prophet Daniel, mystical philosophy,Paracelsus
Jakob Lorber The Unknown Prophet & the New Revelation, christian mysticism, prophet, prophetsJakob Lorber emanuel swedenborgEmanuel Swedenborg Karl von Eckartshausen, Magic The Principles of Higher KnowledgeKarl von Eckartshausen gottfried mayerhofer, new revelation, lorber, lords sermons, Gottfried Mayerhofer jacob boehmeJakob Boehme

Christian Mysticism is often compared to the Occult. These comparisons are often made by those who are completely in the dark about both Christianity and the Occult. Sadly, assumptions are often based on presumption rather than experience and truth. Accepted interpretations of the Bible and Christianity are usually based on similar thought processes.

Some are humbly aware of their inability to fully fathom all that is written in the Bible, while others draw rash and often narrow conclusions that cannot be substantiated even within Biblical script. Historically, out of this have risen vicious and zealous persecutions of individuals and groups. At times, this zeal had been intentionally fed by deliberate Biblical misinterpretations to serve a political end. (witness: two Christian armies being blessed by priests of the same religion before going off to slaughter each other.)

It is wise to personally investigate what can easily be twisted. Spiritual matters being very easily twisted are too important to leave to the interpretations of others. The zeal of a religious authority is often very quick to demonize or otherwise condemn all practices other than those they have deemed or sanctioned to be correct. In extreme cases these same people also believe that anyone who does not interpret Christianity as they do are categorically evil, labeled as heretics and in the past were often disposed of. How sad. This zealous condemnation is itself a loveless unchristian act that has happened all too often in history.

The “spiritual meaning” or mysticism, that the sacred scripture is very pregnant with, is only revealed to the “pure of heart” and only very seldom if ever to clergy or the most Earthly schooled as is witnessed by Christ with His dealings with the priesthood and Pharisees of His day.

Only the humble of heart are recognized by God and have been historically trusted with the Wisdom of God. These are often called Prophets, but lesser people can often more competently and completely also work towards comprehension of things spiritual than the “worldly wise.”

The mere word “occult” should not conjure up evil in a fair minded person. That it should; is foolishness! The “evil” it is currently said to raise amongst Christians by the leadership of the various Christian sects, is to spiritual wisdom, what condemning Galileo for stating that the Earth orbits the Sun, was to physical knowledge. Now, as in the time of Galileo, Christian leadership was afraid of losing their eminence and authority over the people – this is also the case today. This insecurity is born now as then of personal pride and self interest! Before Christ returns this will come to an end.

In absolute terms there are basically two belief systems/religions on Earth. One, is for God, the other is against God. All of the religions of the world fit within this continuum. At one end is Christianity at the other is Satanism. Some are a little better, some are a little worse; to mercifully suit the spiritual maturity of the groups of people involved.

It should not come as a surprise that some Christian sects, in spite of their Christian designation are, based on their actions, at the negative end of the continuum.

Spiritual Maturity, Religion and Christ

Although it is no ones place to criticize other cultures, every culture’s concept of God is different based on their spiritual maturity. The Hindu concept of Divinity, the Taoist concept of God and the Christian concept of God all differ. They all agree that there is a Supreme Being but, they relate to that Being differently because of the concept they have of It. Within Christianity that relationship with the Supreme Deity is personified and therefore personal because of Christ. Although the Supreme Being is universally and conceptually recognized as an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, all “encompassing energy and consciousness,” the Christian concept personifies this Being in the being of Jesus Christ. This is a fundamental part of what makes Christians Christian; the belief that Jesus Christ is no mere prophet, but God Himself personified.

Those who are born into a Christian culture inherit a blessing and with it a conceptual advantage. It even shows materially in how the Christian world manifests its inner belief outwardly in the lifestyles of its countries and cities. Many in the non-Christian world, given the choice, would prefer the living conditions of the Christian countries. The lifestyle of the Christian world are an externalized manifestation of the inner concepts and beliefs born out of Christian concepts, as the conditions of the Hindu, Taoist, Islamic worlds come from their beliefs. In fairness; although the Christian countries have some obvious advantages they also have their own share of depravities. Where there is the greatest good, there is also the greatest evil. No one has had more deliberate casualties through wars and other man-made causes than the West.

Spirituality is by definition supernatural (Latin – above the physical) or metaphysical (Greek). God is not a physical being but, if the purpose of a spiritual belief is to help us to come closer to God then we must implement non-physical practices.

Prayer is a simple non-physical practice. Reading the words of the Holy Bible is a physical practice. This only becomes non-physical when we start to think about what is being read. In our times prayer and Bible study in institutional Christianity are seldom regarded in the same context as “metaphysical practices” even though they should be. Purely intellectual Bible studies are often exercises in personal pride – instead of humility. One wanting to out-think the other for the glory and praise. The meaning of the words are usually not revealed to these.

The esoteric meaning of the Bible is not meant to be ripped out of it’s words by force of pride. The mystical meaning within the Bible is freely revealed only to the humble of heart (the meek) and no others because they are the only ones who can be trusted with it for its own sake. This mystical meaning is kept hidden from the proud because they do not love the wisdom for its own sake but the notoriety that it may bring.  This lack of spiritual immaturity protects the mysteries from being defiled. Christ Himself stated to His own apostles: “never cast ye peals before swine lest they turn and rend thee.”

Because of the “spiritual wind” that is now blowing people are being inspired to look elsewhere to find answers in Christian spiritual matters other than with the traditional Christian Institutions that in time have let them down.

Is it any wonder that those who condemn esoteric Christian practices also feel threatened by them. What is there to fear if one is standing in the Light of God. All of us have fears that we do not want others to know about. We build our lives around these fears. Often, people who’s personal lives are exposed are driven to desperation – some have killed themselves because they cannot bear it. At the personal level this is pride at its worst. At an institutional level this same pride creates a subconscious fear of the Light within the Gospels that would shatter the “world” they have created for themselves and forced onto others.

This pride gets hurt because of the presumption that they aught to be respected for being more knowing because of their position and assumed intellectual prowess from their studies and others should abide by what they dictate because of the stature they have acquired because of it. They fear the possible ridicule of having to admit that they might just be wrong, or flat do not know or understand what they have for so long presumed to be expert in. This is the nature of pride no matter where it appears. They should at least have the honesty and courage to examine cold bloodedly what they are condemning before “throwing out the baby with the bath water,” so to speak.

Universal principles are called universal for obvious reasons. It does not matter what religion anyone belongs to experience fire for instance. Fire is just as hot to a Catholic as it is to a Protestant as it is to a Baptist as it is to a Buddhist – water is also just as wet to each as well. Physically these constants make all activity equally possible for engineers, farmers, carpenters, blacksmiths and so on. Machines work, crops grow, life is made possible because of not only physical constants, but also spiritual and astral (world of the soul) constants. In non-physical terms those who are concerned about the potentially spiritual evils that they believe are being done by those whom they have presumed are practicing Satanism, demonism, New Age, Paganism etc. should not be fearful. If they believe that their practices are superior why should they worry. This is an oxymoron because as Christianity is the superior “good” belief then it is evil itself that should be concerned – and it is!

As there are physical constants there must also be constants in the worlds unseen. Knowledge of these constants does not make this knowledge nor the person who seeks it evil. When this knowledge is applied selfishly the result is evil, when this knowledge is used selflessly with Love to come closer to God or to assist suffering mankind it is good. It is not the knowledge that is at fault. It is the person that makes the difference. Can this be called evil? Is this unchristian? These guiding constants are also laws that God has established to assure existence. This is not relativism!

The commandments are important to live by as a moral code but they do not explain physical existence on their own. The physics of things depends on God – not God on our physics. Why not learn it from God’s point of view and awaken to reality.

A bread knife is neither good nor evil. When used for slicing bread the results are good, when used for attack someone the intent and results are evil. It is not the practice as such that is evil, it is the intent behind the practice that makes it evil. If someone plans to do harm, they are practicing whatever they are doing in a negative light and can be called Satanic no matter what the practice. Be it engineering, healing, making food, and so on.

The average person would be surprised at what can be called Satanic and yet is not, and what is considered to be innocent and good and yet is very, very Satanic.

Evil needs “good” for its own credibility. Many have espoused, quoted and liberally used Biblical and Christian principles out of context to ride on the back of the credibility of Christianity to undermine Christianity itself.

Sometimes Christian institutions have not acted much better towards Christianity than the organizations they condemn as being evil. They get in the way of Christianity by making themselves authorities over Christianity while being almost completely ignorant of it. People will in time abandon them because like “the emperors new clothes” they are empty. They profit from the word of God – this too is anti-christian and unwholesome.

As for Satanism, it is patently anti-Christian and patently evil and no more needs to be said. Anyone who considers the study of the sacred mysteries to be Satanic is sadly misinformed and is imprisoned by their own darkness. Those who would persecute others for studying the sacred Christian mysteries are by definition anti-christian and satanic themselves.

New Age philosophy mixes the truths of many beliefs including Christianity, with falsehood so cleverly that it has made itself somewhat amorphous in order to suit individual instinctual spiritual needs but to make and have no expectation towards achieving those goals. The new Age movement prides itself for being non-judgmental. This is a very well calculated stance that removes the need for an individual to weigh right and wrong – good and evil. This new relativism is said to be more “mature,” than Christianity but it is without direction and leads nowhere. It is for those who are looking for a short-cut (which does not exist) to enlightenment. It considers Christ to be merely another philosopher. The New Age philosophers magnanimously accept Christ’s teachings but without the need to have to live by them, therefore by extension it is not Christian.

Paganism worships the unseen devas, nature spirits and natural forces of Creation. Although these entities and forces exist and maintain the activity in nature, they are very low and subordinate to truly angelic beings and have no supremacy. They are in fact out ranked by even the dumbest human being and therefore subordinate to human beings. Pagans are actually worshiping something that is below them in rank. This literally does harm to their souls by lowering their already naturally high vibration (power) to that of the object of worship whose vibration is much lower. It would be like a human asking to be taught by a worm or to worship a worm.

Why would anyone in their right mind worship the lowest when they could, with the same effort, worship the Highest and be elevated in the process. In one sense, just like some Christian practices that actually worship objects and things (idols) other than God or Christ themselves, Pagan practices are therefore heathenistic. Furthermore, Paganism is still hung up about the persecutions of the old Celtic believers and their beliefs by the Christian churches that it refuses to even look at Christianity objectively. They do not want to hear that Christians were brutally persecuted to death at the hands of the Pagans of Rome. Historically fewer Pagans suffered at the hands of the Christians than Christians at the hands of the Pagans. In fact, more Christians have been killed by other Christians in the name of Christianity – Go figure!

Having said this what are the practices that annoy the modern day Christian institutions? Here are a few:

1) they object to the use of symbols they know nothing about but presume them to be satanic,

2) the belief in reincarnation,

3) the belief in the possibility that human beings can directly commune with God, in some denominations (which happens to be the reason for Christ’s coming and dying in the first place – if Christ died for our Salvation – then the purpose of salvation would be to bring us closer to God – not further away from Him),

4) meditation,

5) fasting, as a means of purification to come closer to God,

6) the practice of so called Magic,

7) the use of herbs,

8)any manner of practice that is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible. There are several others.

Esoteric Symbols

The various symbols studied in Christian Mysticism are symbolic representations of spiritual things. All of these symbols describe in the form of a glyph what is considered to be sacred mystery. Some symbols correctly identify negative principles.

The Four Elements are considered anti-Christian and Pagan by many Christian sects. This is the basic foundation of all Mysticism including Christian Mysticism. The four elements are Fire, Air, Water and Earth. They have been represented in Christianity from the very beginning in various ways. A very complete study of the Elements is to be found in the work of Franz Bardon. Here are some brief analogies. The four elements are represented by the four letter Hebrew word spelled Iod(fire) He(Air) Vau(Water) He(Earth). These four letters spell IODHEVAUHE – also pronounced Jehovah. In some Christian churches the elements are symbolized as follows:

Element Hebraic Letter Church Royalty Direction Angel
Fire Iod Candles/Censor Sword East Michael
Air He Staff/Incense Scepter South Gabriel
Water Vau Chalice/baptismal font Chalice West Raphael
Earth He Coinage/Money Coinage/Jewelry North Uriel

There are countless other analogies and symbols that could be made. The most common is the four trumps of common playing cards. The common playing deck is derived from the older European playing card decks. The suits of the older decks were revised to hide their meanings by the secret societies which were also the aristocratic circles from Swords into Hearts, Scepters into Clubs, Cups/Chalices into Spades, and Coins into Diamonds. The relationship to the elements is more obvious in the older traditional card decks.

Many people associate these things with occult practices – which they are, but they are also to be found in all Christian Churches. There is nothing intrinsically sinister about these artifacts, they simply represent universal principles. One would think that people in the congregations would at least try to understand them and why they are in every church. The churches that have removed even these symbols are therefore of a lower order because they have also removed, at least from a symbolic point of view, the very last symbols of Christian mysticism necessary to break through the dead bark of the Christianity that remains.

The Four Elements represent the four fundamental substances/energies that God used to bring all things into being and through which Divinity controls its creation – not to be confused with the periodic table in modern chemistry. The individual elements of the periodic table are each composed of the four elements and held together by the Will of God by the help of His Angels. Everything that exists is made up of all four elements with one usually predominating, example: Magnesium is a “hot” metal therefore fire predominating. When ignited it burns white hot, if ignited it can explode and has other properties, such as relative lightness, consistent with the element of Fire. A cucumber or cabbage is almost always cool to the touch or cooling. In it the Water Element predominates. Root vegetables are generally of the Earth element. The Primary colours, Red, (fire) blue, (Air) yellow, (Earth), Etc.

The Four Elements are talked about in ancient Greek, Persian, Egyptian, Oriental and Roman literary works. They are not pagan in origin. The fact that they can be found in all cultures all over the world means that they have a primordial origin and were passed down from Adam. They are universal and are a major mystery – absolutely necessary in understanding the human being, the Bible and certainly more useful than the “parlor game” approach to deciphering sacred script that is used in the now famous yet ridiculous “Bible Code.”

The fact that the elements are represented by the name Jehovah (Iod, He, Vau, He) they represent primordial ever-present substances and forces unknown to most but used and implemented by all engaged in the normal activity of everyday life. Their scope is well defined by Franz Bardon. The Holy Father allows us to use this primary life outflow out of His being.

Equal lateral triangles pointing upward and downward are used to symbolize the elements of Fire, Air, Water, and  Earth. Other than representing positive and negative, not to be confused with good and evil. To suggest that these symbols specifically represent gender or worse sexual orientation is baseless and delusional even though the triangle apex pointing upward is generally male with a plus polarity and with the apex pointing downward is female with a negative polarity. Also, the equal lateral triangle pointing upward is representative of the third Sephirothic sphere of the Kabbalah and the number three, symbolizing: trinity and procreation. It has also been often used traditionally in Christianity to symbolize Divinity in its triplicity.

The equal lateral triangle pointing upward can be used to symbolize A) the Holy Trinity of physical body, soul and spirit making up one human being or B) the concept of God, the Holy Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost as being one being – where the Holy Father represents an attribute of Divinity, the Son represents Love as an attribute of Divinity as Christ, and the Holy Ghost being the result or effect of the interaction of the Father and Son.

The Pentagram is a five pointed star representing man – the microcosm. The four lower points represent the four elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth. The highest point represents the Akasha or God Principle also known as the Quintessence. Kabbalistically when pointing upward it symbolizes a physical human being – microcosm and the Sephirothic Sphere of Mars. It has been used on flags for millennia. The same symbol inverted to point downward is the symbol of an arch demon – the opposite of a human being and connotes that which would destroy a human being – overall a good symbol. Today it is ubiquitous and is seen in places we wouldn’t normally associate with evil. This symbol is everywhere now a days and identifies those who work for its purposes. The inverted pentagram also represents to the West what the dragon (the serpent) represents to the East – base materiality – “good” fortune in strictly material endeavors. These goals are not consistent with Christianity even though many if not most of today’s Christians follow them often unknowingly.

The Star or David is not a Jewish symbol at all. It is a Kabbalistic symbol that represents all of the symbols of the four elements combined into one symbol. The symbol itself is universal and symbolizes a spiritual man – the macrocosm – the great universe and the striving towards excellence and perfection.

The Crucifix itself is an instrument of torture but in the Christian context it symbolizes the Love and Mercy of God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Many millions have died by the misrepresentation of this symbol in wars. Today it is has been degraded to a fashion statement and is often worn without any reverence to God at all.

2) Reincarnation

Reincarnation is a really big issue with Christian institutions. Christian institutions have historically presumed to place themselves in a position to determine the salvation of individuals even though this is entirely Christ’s domain. They put into peoples heads that only through them was/is salvation possible and all others of other faiths were doomed to hell. They organized their practices in such a way that human beings had to conform to them from cradle to grave or fear eternal spiritual damnation through a physical excommunication. These practices were copied from Old Testament Judaic practices – completely ignoring the New Testament. In some ways this was not an entirely bad thing as it did force or focus peoples attention towards Christianity but at the same time it also assured a constant lifelong remuneration towards that Church and incredibly huge fortunes were made by it. With this money people could have been taught to read and write but instead for over a thousand years most were intentionally kept illiterate that they might be better controlled.

The very concept of reincarnation would have removed the idea that the Churches were absolutely necessary and synonymous with salvation because if people could deserve to return to Earth to further their work toward a higher spiritual perfection of what use was the Church? Reincarnation does not deny or in any way get in the way of the concept that Christ is the savior. After all Christ died for the sake of all Creation, which especially means the spiritual. The Church couldn’t have this, so at the council of Nicea the concept of reincarnation was made anathema (forbidden). Although the Churches are supposed to be institutions established for the spiritual well being of their members they mainly preoccupy themselves with physical things – such as their own preservation, power and wealth. In all fairness, some religious orders have done good as well.

Reincarnation is best and most clearly described by Christ Himself when He was confronted by the Priesthood about who he was. They said that the Messiah would be preceded by Elias. Christ responded by saying that Elias did precede Me – he was John the Baptist and he was killed. (Paraphrased) The idea that Elias and John the Baptist were one and the same but lived at different times is reincarnation. Of course some will dispute this interpretation. Regardless, reincarnation in no way threatens Christianity only the necessity of the church institutions.

4) Meditation

This is a big one. For some it may come as shocking news that prayer is a meditation. However, those who habitually mumble a prayer without feeling it in their hearts should not be surprised if they are not heard. The purpose of meditation is to consciously separate the distractions of ones physical experience, to focus inwardly towards the activity of their soul and spirit. Can this be called unchristian? If religion is supposed to exist for the benefit of our spiritual lives why then is it opposed to anyone becoming familiar with their own soul and spirit? What could be more important to a Christian than to understand the workings of ones own soul and spirit for the purpose of purifying them. God is not a physical being. His is Spirit and should be prayed to in spirit. Praying is for most a robotic, repetitive and merely physical activity without a heart felt belief and is therefore often fruitless because it is not elevated any higher than that.

In addition to having a physical body human beings also have a soul and a spirit. If a sin is a non-physical thing, if it is something that is personal, if it cannot be readily seen on the physical body,  it must be part of the soul. How is anyone to deal with their sins if they do not become familiar with their own soul. This is one very necessary purpose for meditation.

5) Fasting

It is hard to believe that many Christian sects are against fasting. Christ fasted! They will say that Christ could fast He was God. What nonsense. If Christ was to be the way to God through His example then fasting must have a purpose. By fasting a human being learns to control and strengthen their will power – the fire of their spirit.

Before proceeding further it must be clarified that fasting is not synonymous with starving. An Anorexic person is not fasting – they are obsessed. Or, in spiritual terms they are possessed of an unclean spirit that produces the obsession.

By controlling the intake of food the will power, which is an attribute of the spirit, is made stronger. People go to a gym to strengthen their bodies but it takes more than merely attending a church service to strengthen the spirit – it requires a purposeful discipline exercised against something adversarial.

Can anyone really disagree that fasting by removing all junk food for instance is a bad thing? In a culture obsessed with non-foods this would be called crazy. A fat clergyman is seldom a spiritually minded person because their heart is controlled by their food and not God. How can anyone hear God if their food demons are raging.

Fasting cleans the body to make it less of a distraction during spiritual activity. The average American cannot fast because they have too many toxins in their bodies from the foods they have made their staple. They would get sick as the body cleans itself.

6) Magic

This is another “biggie.” Although it is understandable that this would be of concern, the term “magic” needs to be put into context and, the terms magician and sorcerer are used interchangeably in the bible probably due to incorrect translation. The ceremonial garments of the Catholic priesthoods are taken out of the old testament and are not Pagan in origin. They are also, not coincidentally, the ceremonial garments of a magician. All of the artifacts used in Catholic churches and in the Catholic ceremonies are also used in magical practices. Why should those who use the same garb,  and implements for essentially the same purpose but in a non-Catholic context be considered evil. Are the priests that much better that they can do the same thing but be considered holy and the others called blasphemers.

In a different light: an engineer who uses his knowledge for good can be seen as a magician one who uses the same knowledge to produce something of evil can be said to be a sorcerer. As far as spiritual practices are concerned: a magician learns the laws of nature of the physical world, the world of the soul and of the spirit and works with them with the sanction of God to do good for his fellow human beings. A sorcerer uses the same principles to do evil for his own gain. His abilities are limited for the protection of mankind and his abilities were not earned through honest effort but by the help of a demon. They have made a pact with a demon for very limited gains while living on Earth. The result could be many thousands of years of servitude towards demonic ends.

A magician is not to be confused with a stage performer using slight of hand or illusory tricks.

7) The use of herbs

This one is very hard to comprehend. Some Christian sects, mainly in the United States, are of the opinion that the use of herbs has something to do with witchcraft and other black arts. The whole world uses and has used herbs for thousands of years to heal the sick. These every highly educated but still very, very backward individuals are to be pitied. The Bible in Genesis recommends the use of herbs for ailments. The Catholic church has had priests and monks who were also very effective healers and herbalists as well as using herbs for incenses in church. What do these people think. If God created human beings then He would also provide a ready made means for humans beings to avail themselves of if they become sick. The strictly man-made substances are borne out of human pride and their origin should tell one where they are from and what they will ultimately do. Can people truly believe that they will be better off using what are known artificial man made poisons or what God has provided through His infinite Love and Grace in His creation.

Historically people have been burned at the stake for having investigated any of the above mentioned. How could the accusers of these people have charged them with what they themselves were guilty of. How could they have had any knowledge of the subject matter without having investigated or even practiced it first.

The endless arguments, debates belaboring over the “words” in the Bible while entirely missing their meaning and intent. They cannot understand the very book they hold sacred because they are not acquainted with the very mysteries that the Holy Bible often speaks of but does not explicitly  describe for them, and very rightly so. The Bible is not written especially for the clergy or the learned of the world because they often appear to be the least capable of understanding it. It is meant for the believers and the doers of the Christian faith. To these true believers nothing is so profane that it cannot be examined in order to determine whether it has value or not. They are not lazy in their efforts to come to God. They hold the Bible to be sacred but also understand the nature of the “foxes” in who’s hands the Bible has been in for so long and what they very likely did to the words of God to suit their own purposes.

The need to rely on faith and redemption to get closer to God is often said to be all that a “true Christian” needs to find God. Faith is a given. Faith shapes our very existence and is implicit in any practice. In Christianity the belief is towards God through Christ, if this is lacking we are not dealing with a Christian. But, how are we to be redeemed? If Christ is the redeemer and has already died for us then what are we existing for? Are we to re-redeem ourselves through the churches? The mysteries are further steps to be implemented towards our own maturity as Children of God.

For those who believe, no explanation is


Jakob Lorber New Revelation, Bible study, Franz Bardon, Jesus Christ, Great Gospel of John, Jakob Lorber New Revelation, Jesus Christ, Franz Bardon, Jakob Lorber New revelation, Franz Bardon, second coming of Jesus Christ, Great Gospel of John,  Initiation into hermetics, Bible study, Hermetics, Metaphysics, hermetic science, Evocation, Antichrist 666, Cabbala, Christian Kabbalah, Christian, true Christianity, Merkur publishing, Holy Mysteries, occult philosophy, Spiritual Growth, Bible study, Paracelsus, sex scandals in the roman catholic church, tarot cards, Spirituality

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