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The Fires of Purification

Ecological disasters, Gods final judgement, judgment day, Earth Changes, ecological catastrophies, forest fires, Second Coming of Christ, judgment day, Amalux, Gods final judgement, Antichrist, Astrology, forest fires, Earth changes, Bible, Catastrophes, Channelling, Childhood of Jesus, Christ, Christian, Gods final judgement, Christianity, Earth, Ecological disasters, judgment day, Edwin Hubble, End of the World, End Times, False Prophets, False Prophets, Great Gospel of John, Hereafter, Holy Father, Inner Word, Jakob Lorber, Latter Days, Life on Moon, Lunar life, New Revelation, Pontius Pilate, Prophesies, Prophesy, Prophets, Revelation, Salvation, Satan, Satana, Soul, Teachings of Christ, The Beyond, the hereafter, Great Gospel of John, Afterlife, Antichrist, Bible, Catastrophes, Channelling, Childhood of Jesus, Edwin Hubble, End Times, Jakob Lorber, New Revelation, Pontius Pilate, Prophesy, Salvation, Satan, Satana, Soul, Afterlife, Antichrist, Edwin Hubble, Jakob Lorber, Salvation, catastrophies The Great Gospel of John

Jakob Lorber
6 Volumes 2113 pages
Cost: $99.95
Ecological disasters, Gods final judgement, judgment day, Earth Changes, ecological catastrophies, forest fires, Second Coming of Christ, judgment day, Amalux, Gods final judgement, Antichrist, Astrology, forest fires, Earth changes, Bible, Catastrophes, Channelling, Childhood of Jesus, Christ, Christian, Gods final judgement, Christianity, Earth, Ecological disasters, judgment day, Edwin Hubble, End of the World, End Times, False Prophets, False Prophets, Great Gospel of John, Hereafter, Holy Father, Inner Word, Jakob Lorber, Latter Days, Life on Moon, Lunar life, New Revelation, Pontius Pilate, Prophesies, Prophesy, Prophets, Revelation, Salvation, Satan, Satana, Soul, Teachings of Christ, The Beyond, the hereafter, Great Gospel of John, Afterlife, Antichrist, Bible, Catastrophes, Channelling, Childhood of Jesus, Edwin Hubble, End Times, Jakob Lorber, New Revelation, Pontius Pilate, Prophesy, Salvation, Satan, Satana, Soul, Afterlife, Antichrist, Edwin Hubble, Jakob Lorber, Salvation, catastrophies

Before the Second Coming of Christ there has been much made of destruction or judgment by Fire. Although according to Lorber, the Deluge of the Great Flood at the time of Noah was limited to the area of what is now the Caspian Sea. (the ancient city of Hanoch, the real Atlantis, rests 6000 ft. under the Caspian Sea in keeping with Plato’s description) The Judgment by fire is supposed to be universal. The New Revelation describes how cities will ignite. The catalyst that will instigate this total Holocaust are laid out quite clearly as are the circumstances reflecting the present day world. What is interesting is that this event is preceded by, among other natural catastrophes such as forest fires and fires of unprecedented scale, the inundation of water along shorelines (tsunamis).

The information provided by Jakob Lorber is in keeping with traditional predictions of the “end times.” What is new and remarkable is the details being provided and their logic.

The Fires That Are to Come!

Every effort should be made to understand Judgment Day or the Final Judgment less as the result of the “wrath of God” and more a consequence of our own actions.

If we can accept, for instance, that fire is hot and water is wet and both are natural forces following set laws, we should not be surprised if we are burned by flames or should drown in water. The consequence of this is also a judgment but who can we blame for this should we bring it upon ourselves. Just as we cannot blame others for our own acts of foolishness, the Creator should not be blamed for our foolish actions. In this context judgment is not God punishing us. It is us judging ourselves. It is an objective consequence within the laws of Creation set into motion by human actions.

In the end we, individually or collectively,  are our own judge and condemn ourselves.

An Excerpt from Great Gospel of John Book 8, Chapter 186

(The Lord:) [1] “A third kind of fire will consist in that I shall already a few hundred years earlier awaken ever more enlightened seers, prophets and servants who will teach the nations everywhere the truth in My name, thereby delivering them from all kinds of delusions, deception and falsehood which through false prophets and priests, even in My name, will be paving the way for their downfall, the evil beginning of which has already set in here and there.

[2] They will lead many people astray and at the same time accumulate great earthly treasures and riches and will gain power and great authority. However, through the third fire and its extremely bright light they will lose everything and be completely ruined. The kings and princes, who are willing to help them, will lose all their power, their wealth and their thrones, for I shall awaken My own kings and generals who will defeat them and, thus, the former night of hell and its messengers on earth will come to an end among men.

[3] This night, which now consists in the heathenish blind and senseless ceremony called divine service, will exist also in those times, but through the third kind of fire from the heavens it will be completely destroyed and annihilated. For falsehood must be defeated in its fight against the light of truth from the heavens, just as natural night must succumb before the rising sun. It must flee into its dark caves and depths; and once a person is standing in the light, he will no longer seek the night.

[4] I have now described to you the third kind of fire which has a most destructive effect upon men’s benightedness, and so I will still show you a fourth kind of fire through which the earth, mankind and all creatures shall be purified at the time of My Second Coming. This kind of fire will consist in all kinds of great natural cataclysms, especially in those places on earth where men will have built excessively large and magnificent cities, wherein will be governing the greatest haughtiness, lovelessness, corruption, false courts of justice, power, authority, indolence and at the same time extreme poverty and all kinds of need and misery, brought about by the boundless epicurism of need and misery, brought about by the boundless epicurism of the great and mighty.

[5] In such cities, as a result of excessive greed, there will also be established all kinds of factories on a large scale, in which, instead of human hands, fire and water, combined with thousands of ingenious machines made from iron, will be doing the work. For the firing the very old earth-coal will be used, which the people of that time will be procuring from the depths of the earth in very large quantities.

[6] When through the power of fire this activity will have reached its peak, the earth’s atmosphere will in such spots be saturated with the combustible types of ether which will then ignite here and there and completely destroy such cities and regions, together with many of their inhabitants. This will then be a great and effective purification, too. However, what is not achieved by the fire brought about in this way will be accomplished by all kinds of great storms. This will, of course, happen only where it is needed, for without necessity nothing will be burnt or destroyed.

[7] Thereby also the earth’s atmosphere will be cleared of its noxious vapors and nature spirits, and this will have a beneficial influence on all other creatures on earth. It will also serve men’s physical health in that all the numerous and bad diseases of their body will cease to torment them and people will remain healthy and strong to a ripe old age.

[8] Since the thus purified people will be standing in My light and at all times actively and truly observe the commandments of love, the landed property on earth will be distributed among men in such away that everyone will have enough, so that with proper diligence he will never suffer need. The heads of the communities and the kings, fully submitted to My will and stand in My light, will see to it that there is never any need among the people in their land. And I Myself will be visiting the people here and there, strengthening and comforting them, always where I shall find the greatest yearning and love for Me.

The preceding is an excerpt from The Great Gospel of John by Jakob Lorber.

Earth changes, disasters, wild fires, fire as judge, judgement

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