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Ecological Disasters

Ecological Changes Are Obvious. To Not Acknowledge Them Is Naive Or Blind!

Ecological disasters, Gods final judgement, judgment day, Earth Changes, ecological catastrophies, forest fires, Second Coming of Christ, judgment day, Amalux, Gods final judgement, Antichrist, Astrology, forest fires, Earth changes, Bible, Catastrophes, Channelling, Childhood of Jesus, Christ, Christian, Gods final judgement, Christianity, Earth, Ecological disasters, judgment day, Edwin Hubble, End of the World, End Times, False Prophets, False Prophets, Great Gospel of John, Hereafter, Holy Father, Inner Word, Jakob Lorber, Latter Days, Life on Moon, Lunar life, New Revelation, Pontius Pilate, Prophesies, Prophesy, Prophets, Revelation, Salvation, Satan, Satana, Soul, Teachings of Christ, The Beyond, the hereafter, Great Gospel of John, Afterlife, Antichrist, Bible, Catastrophes, Channelling, Childhood of Jesus, Edwin Hubble, End Times, Jakob Lorber, New Revelation, Pontius Pilate, Prophesy, Salvation, Satan, Satana, Soul, Afterlife, Antichrist, Edwin Hubble, Jakob Lorber, Salvation, catastrophies The Great Gospel
of John

Jakob Lorber
6 Volumes 2113 pages
Cost: $50.95
*Only Two Left*
Ecological disasters, Gods final judgement, judgment day, Earth Changes, ecological catastrophies, forest fires, Second Coming of Christ, judgment day, Amalux, Gods final judgement, Antichrist, Astrology, forest fires, Earth changes, Bible, Catastrophes, Channelling, Childhood of Jesus, Christ, Christian, Gods final judgement, Christianity, Earth, Ecological disasters, judgment day, Edwin Hubble, End of the World, End Times, False Prophets, False Prophets, Great Gospel of John, Hereafter, Holy Father, Inner Word, Jakob Lorber, Latter Days, Life on Moon, Lunar life, New Revelation, Pontius Pilate, Prophesies, Prophesy, Prophets, Revelation, Salvation, Satan, Satana, Soul, Teachings of Christ, The Beyond, the hereafter, Great Gospel of John, Afterlife, Antichrist, Bible, Catastrophes, Channelling, Childhood of Jesus, Edwin Hubble, End Times, Jakob Lorber, New Revelation, Pontius Pilate, Prophesy, Salvation, Satan, Satana, Soul, Afterlife, Antichrist, Edwin Hubble, Jakob Lorber, Salvation, catastrophies

Lorber’s Predictions about the Coming Earth Changes and Ecological Disasters. These are the most credible Judgment day and Final Judgment Day scenarios laying out  how a cause has set into motion an effect arriving at a logical conclusion.

That there are ecological problems looming leading to Earth Changes and ecological disasters are by now self evident and there are now plenty of forums where this information can be investigated. We have therefore not endeavored to recreate that which is already very abundant information. The following information will only serve to share some of the prophesies made in the New Revelation. Technology on its own is not so much the culprit as the human vices that pursue it. ” For an ungodly heart science truly illumines the way to evil.”
(Gt. G. Ill, 175, 4.) We hope you enjoy it.

Note: The writing highlighted in blue are the actual excerpts from Jakob Lorber’s  New Revelation.

In the New Revelation all kinds of catastrophes are predicted that will be approaching mankind towards the end of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st Century. Also the Revelation of St. John presents mighty visions of the latter days. In Lorber’s writings the predictions are made in a clear and comprehensible form.

We read there as follows: “Men are meant to have everything and arrange their life on earth with as many comforts as possible. They may protect their hands from hard labor so as to gain all the more time for the refinement of their hearts and souls. But if with people’s increasing skill also their selfishness, greed and lust for power will keep growing and as a result their spiritual darkness, the worst consequences may be expected.” (Gt. G. V,108, 6.).

“The worlds industries will be pursued with diligence so as to deaden the spirit more quickly and possibly also destroy completely the anyway scanty seed for the attainment of eternal life. And thus men’s hearts, God’s sole dwelling place on earth, are becoming stunted.”  (G. fr. H. 11, p. 367).

“These are the industrial people and their needs that can never be satisfied. They may be compared to the scrub and thorns under which the seed of the Word of God is choked.” (Sp. S. 11, 125, 5).

More than once the New Revelation points clearly to the spiritual cause of the coming disaster; the ever growing pleasure-seeking which always goes hand in hand with the decline of spiritual and religious interest. “The dwellers in the big cities are for ever craving for pleasures. They all want to live in comfort, to have entertainment, be distinguished and, if possible, exercise a little bit of power. All these refinements, however, are nothing else but idolatry, for they are sacrifices of the human spirit to dead materiality.” (Sp. S. II, 81,10&13).

“Man’s arrogance, pride, selfishness and lust for power make extremely great demands and can still never be satisfied. And so men have no longer the time to occupy themselves with the things they should and for which God put them in the world. The souls of millions are even no longer aware that they are carriers of God’s spirit.” (Gt. G. III. 10, 3,4 & 13).

“What would it profit man if he possessed all the treasures on earth enabling him to enjoy all imaginable pleasures, but thereby harmed his soul?” (Gt. G. VIII, 183, 9)., “Quite contrary to his destiny man has defiled and misused himself and his natural environment and this is the cause of all the grievances that pursue him spiritually as well as materially with all kinds of misfortunes and sufferings.” (Secrets, p. 90)

“And thus it is possible that in times to come people will be making great discoveries with the help of which they will be able to affect nature on Earth so that this will spring a lot of leaks. The consequences will, indeed, be quite disagreeable and become a punishment for men’s wrongly applied will; however. not intended by Me, but simply brought about by their own will.” (Gt. G. V, 109. 6).

“It will be like it was at the time of Noah: men will be making more and more improper use of their worldly knowledge and acquired skills, thereby of their own free will be calling forth from the depth of My creation all kinds of judgments upon themselves and, finally, upon the entire earth.” (Gt. G. V. 108.4.).

“Therefore, teach people to act wisely, otherwise they will be bringing on their own judgments. I know that it will come to this, but I still cannot and may not prevent it through My omnipotence, only through My teaching.” (Gt. G. V, 109, 7).

“I have shown you repeatedly what – because of men’s free will – will be the cause of the extremely bad future.”  (Gt. G IX. 144, 7).

The first sentence of the following statements refers no doubt to the two world wars with 70 million dead. This prophecy has already come true, “One nation will rise against the other and fight it with firearms.” “Inventive man will achieve a state of affairs where soon no nation will any longer be able to start a war against another. For if two nations should fall upon each other with such weapons they would easily and in no time destroy each other completely which surely would not bring any true victory or gain to any of them.” (Gt. G. VIII, 185, 9).

This prediction obviously refers to nuclear weapons and the military stalemate between the United States and the Soviet Union. – But in the same chapter mention is made that local wars will still be occurring.

Further communications speak of, “all kinds of great natural cataclysms, particularly in those spots on earth where people will have built too large and magnificent cities in which the greatest arrogance, lovelessness, evil practices, spurious justice, power , influence, but still the worst poverty (slums) will be reigning.” (Gt. G. VIII, 186,4)

“There will also be great storms on land and at sea; in many places the sea will flood its shores.”

“There will be extreme dearth (inflationary development), famine, many bad diseases, epidemics and pestilence among people, animals and even plants.” (Gt. G. VIII, 185).

The following statement in the New Revelation points clearly to this: “Soon after this time of the greatest industrialization the situation on earth will begin to look very grim for mankind since the soil will become barren.” (Gt. G. Ill, 33, 4).

Also the following prediction gives cause for alarm. “It will not be long before your social system, which you think will continue for ever, will collapse.” (Sermon 35). And further it says: “There will be growing indications of terrible catastrophes.” (Sermon 5).

“A state of great worldwide want, misery and distress, as never before experienced on earth, will be commencing.”
(Gt. G. VIII, 185, 2). “All this will be allowed to happen, “ it goes on, “to turn mankind away from their arrogance, selfishness and great (spiritual) indolence.” (Gt. G. VIII, 185).

“Men have now strayed so far from their true goal that no human power would be able to deter them from their pursuit of pleasures.” …”Therefore, I sober up the nations through distress. I free them from the delusion that the worldly pleasures, for which they are craving, are the foremost thing a man should strive for. Through most unpleasant events I teach them about the instability of worldly self-conceit, worldly glory and worldly possessions and prove to them the eternal permanence of spiritual treasures. To all of them I show that there is yet Another above them who, although He suffers them to do what they want, is holding in His hands the threads of the chain of circumstances.” (Sermon 49).

As to the time when the catastrophes will occur, mention is made in several instances of “nearly 2000 years” after Jesus lived on earth. “Henceforth, almost 2000 years will pass before the great judgment will take place,” Jesus tells his disciples and close friends. (Gt. G. VI, 174, 7). However, the catastrophe is now here described as an end of the world and in several instances we are told that the earth – with and without men – will still be existing for an infinitely long time.

Mention is also made of the fact that prior to the predicted events the New Revelation will have a wider circulation. “Since egoism as antithesis to My love and love as such has become the main hobby of today’s mankind and since as a result of this foolish behavior My patience is beginning to run out, this Word (the New Revelation) is being given you again so that before the general decline many may still be saved from completely losing their human dignity, their sole share in the spiritual world.” (Secrets, p. 90).

“The world with its hellish dealings has once more reached a stage where with the help of Satan it wants to root out the entire seed of the divine.” (Creation, p. 141).

“The natural phenomena and events, accidents and diseases preceding this time are the last efforts to save whatever can be saved, that not all may suffocate in the mire of egoism” (Sermon 53).

“Recognize the time you are living in how it presses on toward deliverance, recognize by the decay of all that is noble in the world that the time is not far off when men will reap what they have sown. Recognize the stream of light that is beginning to pour out over your world, hear the voices of the spirit world which fall upon your ears with great waves of sound; they are the warnings of a loving Father. Recognize clearly that above all physical existence there is enthroned the world of spirits and that matter and material life, called transitoriness, are actually only assistant factors, necessary as a means to an end, but not the principal thing.” (Secrets, p. 140).

It is a fact known from experience that the communications by warning prophets are always in opposition to the spirit of the time. Therefore, the New Revelation does not leave any doubt as to the acceptance or rejection of its revelation. It says on this subject : “It is obvious that believers will have to endure scorn, vengeance and persecution, that false, but also true prophets will be seeking to indoctrinate the people and that in the end there will be a complete confusion of concepts for the majority. Many will not heed My warnings, just as it was prior to the Flood, and only few will be converted. However, when the events precipitate, the majority will still be saved spiritually, and they will thank Me for having saved them from perdition by such harsh means. Whose fault will it be when all these unfortunate events do befall mankind? Am I a God of revenge, or is it not rather the fault of those who strive to bend everything to suit them and even would like to abolish the great laws of the material and spiritual worlds if they only could. I am having this put down on paper for all the world to know, and as I once predicted the fall of the Jewish people which also came to pass, you too have now here plenty of warnings and predictions” (Sermon 53).

“Already then I said to My disciples: I shall (at a later time, the A.) awaken men to whom I shall dictate through their heart all that is now happening and being discussed in My presence.” (Gt. G ; IX, 94, 4).

And as regards the habitual practices of the Sunday-Christianity we find the following words in the New Revelation: “These people worship Me with clink and clang, but the heart is not involved” (G. fr. H. 11, p. 368).

There is a lot more information like this.

The preceding are excerpts out of the New Revelation from The Unknown Prophet Jakob Lorber by Kurt Eggenstein.

This information is to highlight Gods final judgment and judgment day through natural signs caused by our own actions..

Earth changes, disasters, wild fires,

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