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Neanderthal Man: Scientific Revelations From Spirit

The New Revelation’s Statements about Primitive Man: The Neanderthals

Ecological disasters, Gods final judgement, judgment day, Earth Changes, ecological catastrophies, forest fires, Second Coming of Christ, judgment day, Amalux, Gods final judgement, Antichrist, Astrology, forest fires, Earth changes, Bible, Catastrophes, Channelling, Childhood of Jesus, Christ, Christian, Gods final judgement, Christianity, Earth, Ecological disasters, judgment day, Edwin Hubble, End of the World, End Times, False Prophets, False Prophets, Great Gospel of John, Hereafter, Holy Father, Inner Word, Jakob Lorber, Latter Days, Life on Moon, Lunar life, New Revelation, Pontius Pilate, Prophesies, Prophesy, Prophets, Revelation, Salvation, Satan, Satana, Soul, Teachings of Christ, The Beyond, the hereafter, Great Gospel of John, Afterlife, Antichrist, Bible, Catastrophes, Channelling, Childhood of Jesus, Edwin Hubble, End Times, Jakob Lorber, New Revelation, Pontius Pilate, Prophesy, Salvation, Satan, Satana, Soul, Afterlife, Antichrist, Edwin Hubble, Jakob Lorber, Salvation, catastrophies The Great Gospel
of John

Jakob Lorber
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Ecological disasters, Gods final judgement, judgment day, Earth Changes, ecological catastrophies, forest fires, Second Coming of Christ, judgment day, Amalux, Gods final judgement, Antichrist, Astrology, forest fires, Earth changes, Bible, Catastrophes, Channelling, Childhood of Jesus, Christ, Christian, Gods final judgement, Christianity, Earth, Ecological disasters, judgment day, Edwin Hubble, End of the World, End Times, False Prophets, False Prophets, Great Gospel of John, Hereafter, Holy Father, Inner Word, Jakob Lorber, Latter Days, Life on Moon, Lunar life, New Revelation, Pontius Pilate, Prophesies, Prophesy, Prophets, Revelation, Salvation, Satan, Satana, Soul, Teachings of Christ, The Beyond, the hereafter, Great Gospel of John, Afterlife, Antichrist, Bible, Catastrophes, Channelling, Childhood of Jesus, Edwin Hubble, End Times, Jakob Lorber, New Revelation, Pontius Pilate, Prophesy, Salvation, Satan, Satana, Soul, Afterlife, Antichrist, Edwin Hubble, Jakob Lorber, Salvation, catastrophiesThere is also a
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The debate over whether human beings came into being from a Divine act of Creation or, evolved through an evolutionary process is not over. Neither theory is scientifically provable. Some will say that “creation” is a simple belief yet the proof used to postulate pure evolution is based on supposition, speculation, fragmented bits of information and incomplete fossil findings being pushed as fact. These suppositions are subject to the subsequent bits of information that have not yet been discovered. Supposition, by its very definition is an uncertainty. If supposition is the primary premise of a theory, that theory cannot be conclusive but remains merely an unproven hypothesis.

In a world that is media driven, with people educated but incapable of critical thinking and more preoccupied with making a living than actually learning something, none of this really matters. People will believe the latest hype they hear in the media putting reason aside as they go on being entertained by non-entertainment.

What is being proposed on this page is based on what would be information out of religious writings that purport to also explain things scientific. Given that things like “The Theory Of Relativity” itself, the concept of the “God Particle,” can be found in writings of this kind long before it was made into a famous fixture of our modern times is very telling as to the worth of spiritual writings and that out of it researchers get their fair share of ideas in trying to scientifically determine the nature of existent reality. The idea that our view of outer space was naive was first mentioned in writings like these where it state quite clearly that what we see in the night sky is not just stars but, in fact, galaxies of galaxies of galaxies.

Not bad for the 1840’s and writings that some would call unscientific!

As for the Neanderthal Man. What is really known? The fossil evidence is certainly there and some conclusions can certainly be made but, what has been deduced from it is speculative because no one was there to see it when it happened. Why would writings that have revealed information about the universe, physics, human health and the like be any less precise and not be worthy of some reading. Who knows, what they’ll find in them that can be further explored and proven correct. So far, what has been explored out of them has been found to be correct. What has not been proven may be more out of inconvenience that actual research. To bring some things to light would destabilize things as they currently are. That is what changes the world for the good of all rather than for just a few who would rather take profits. Isn’t that what religion is often being accused of doing to it’s followers.

Note: The writing highlighted in “bold” are the actual excerpts from Jakob Lorber’s  New Revelation.

Lorber not only anticipated the knowledge of astronomers and nuclear physicists in an amazing way, but also some of the findings of other scientific disciplines which did not yet exist in the middle of last century, namely, paleontology, the science that treats of the ancient life of the globe or of fossil organisms, either plants or animals, and also anthropology, the science of man, including the study of his origins.

In the year 1856 an unusually shaped human skull was found in Neanderthal, a valley near Düsseldorf, Germany. This skull was larger than that of present day man, the forehead was slanting backwards and above the eyes it had thick, bony protuberances, similar to those of today’s big apes. Others were also found but no conclusions as to their link to human beings were made then. Today they are still desperately seeking out a species of anthropoid that could be called the missing link. However, during a hundred years the much sought missing link was not found.

The human beings that exist today display refinement of features and abilities that are not evident in the fossil remains of the primitive men. The New Revelation refers to the present day races of human beings as adamitic man. “Only into adamitic man”, we read in the New Revelation, “there flows a spiritual perception, the sensing of a power which animates the soul enabling it to recognize and seek its Creator. And that is the divine spark implanted in the soul as spirit.” (Gt. G. XI, 10, 6) “No achievement is possible with- out God.” (Household of God. I, 116, 8) “A worldly person, however, is unable to see the active power.” (Gt. G. X, 173, 9).

In the New Revelation primitive men are called ‘pre-adamites’. Some information is given about their appearance and abilities. However, to begin with, the New Revelation explains that the creation of the world in six days as described in Moses’ Genesis must not be taken literally as the churches until not so long ago induced people to believe. In the Great Gospel, vol. VIII, chapter 72 the six earth formation periods are mentioned and the duration of each period given with “a great many million years”. In the third period mention is made of the saurians in a paraphrastic way: “Vegetation is becoming much richer and of giant proportions, and the same also applies to the animals.” Towards the end of the fourth period again “cataclysms took place burying most of what at that time you would have described as creatures. In the ground of your earth you find many a remnant of this period already quite distinct from the products of the first three periods.”

From the start of the “fifth period it took more than a thousand times a thousand years until all suitably situated ground was completely ready for a new creation of a great number of different plants – such as grasses, herbs, bushes and trees – as well as a variety of animals and pre-adamitic men.”

This description of the “new creation of animals and plants” is of particular interest. Modern research confirms the abrupt disappearance and – after a very long interval – the sudden coming into existence of new species of animals and plants. The complete cessation of life contradicts the theory of a continuous evolutionary process, i.e. it is unthinkable that animals and plants were brought forth through mutations without a divine act of creation.

The thesis advanced by materialistic scientists teaches that all new forms have developed out of themselves. But because of the great interval, the deep, separating ravine, this autogenesis has been deprived of its foundation. The new cannot be explained from the structure of that which preceded it. The New Revelation makes it quite clear that development does take place in stages, but this does not mean an unbroken sequence in evolution. “A blind force”, we read in the New Revelation, “has never yet brought forth even a moss plant.” (Gt. G. VI, 87, 7) “All life is of such a nature that it can constantly change and grow thanks to My continuous influence.” Further we read in connection with the fifth earth period: “With the beginning of this period the earth is brought into a regular orbit around the sun. Already day and night alternate regularly. Nevertheless there are still many changes since the variations of the earth’s poles are still considerable.”

In the description of the fifth Earth period also primitive man is mentioned for the first time. In the Great Gospel vol. VIII, chapter 72 the following information is given: “With these primitive men there is still no tilling of the soil, but they do already have livestock. They lead a primitive nomadic life, do not wear clothes nor do they build houses or even huts. They prepare for themselves a kind of nest on the thick branches of trees to live and sleep in and they also hoard foodstuffs which they gradually use up. When it gets cold they move to warmer regions. They do not have a language of the kind that is now used among people; but they have more articulate sounds, signs and gestures than even the most highly developed animals and can communicate with each other concerning their needs. Although this fifth evolutionary period lasted for a thousand times thousand years, the human race of that period continued its unvaried nomadic life and no cultural progress was noticeable.”

“The colour of their still rather hairy skin was between dark and light grey. Only in the South there existed also hairless tribes. They spread in the lowlands until the time of Adam. At the time of Adam, with whom the sixth earth period begins, once more great cataclysms took place on parts of the earth through fire and water, and as a result the pre-adamitic race became practically extinct.”

Lorber speaks of the existence of primitive men during “very many millions of years.” Until recently scientists believed that the existence of primitive man started with the Quaternary period and these men lived only during a period of approximately 1 million years. That this assumption was wrong and primitive man had actually lived already in the Tertiary period became clear in 1966 thanks to the results achieved in his research by the renowned anthropologist Dr. Louis Leaky. The fossils found by Dr. Leaky are many millions 30 of years old. Some finds of bones of pre-adamitic men have an age of up to 20 million years. Thereby Lorber’s statements have been fully confirmed also in this respect.

In addition to general information about the pre-adamites Lorber also gives some details which, too, have been confirmed as correct in scientific literature. Thus, for instance, there is the following description of one particular race of pre-adamites: “As men they were giants of great strength, and they had a set of teeth so strong that they could use them as a cutting tool” (Gt. G. VIII, 72, 17).

The German paleontologist von Konigswald was shown in 1925 in China teeth which “in their shape resembled human teeth” They were so big that judging by their size the whole Gigantopithecus must have measured about three meter fifty. Also the finds made in Eastern Java in the years 1939 and 1941 pointed to the fact that primitive men had lived there who were real giants. Of Dr. Leaky’s numerous finds, the skull found in 1959, the “Nutcracker man” – so called because of his unusually strong teeth – is the most famous.

In the “Household of God” vol. III, p. 453 there is another detail, which was received by Lorber in 1864: “As regards the pre-adamitic or brute men, fossil remains of them can still be found in some places. Among all the animal species they possessed the greatest instinctive intelligence and built themselves here and there rather uniform dwellings. They also filled some of the narrower spots in brooks and rivers with stones as a kind of bridge for crossing them. Frequently they continued this work until in a rough terrace-like structure ten or more such bridges were formed. …These men erected also the walls of which there are still traces found today and which are considered very ancient.”

Unlikely as it may sound, such walls were found. One of the best known German anthropologists, Prof. Gerhard Heberer, tells on the origin of man about the Australopithecines .that the A-type of these pygmy-like small beings “were capable of building small walls” which they-it is suspected-used as windbreaks.

Is it surprising that the friends of Lorber were unable to find in Austria publisher willing to publish Lorber’s writings? In view of the conception of their time people could only regard the messages of this true prophet as phantasmagorical. If Lorber’s work had become widely known at that time it would no doubt have been subjected to devastating criticism. From the perspective of our present time where we are even no longer particularly impressed by the flights to the moon and have got used to the immense dimensions of the universe, Lorber’s above mentioned statements are to us foregone conclusions, since they are taught to all students at secondary schools as the results of scientific research.

There is a lot more information like this throughout the New Revelation writings.

Earth changes, disasters, wild fires,

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