spiritual books, bardon, jakob lorber, paracelsus, swedenborg

Final Judgment By Fire

The Wild Fires that are here and Those to Come.

Ecological disasters, Gods final judgement, judgment day, Earth Changes, ecological catastrophies, forest fires, Second Coming of Christ, judgment day, Amalux, Gods final judgement, Antichrist, Astrology, forest fires, Earth changes, Bible, Catastrophes, Channelling, Childhood of Jesus, Christ, Christian, Gods final judgement, Christianity, Earth, Ecological disasters, judgment day, Edwin Hubble, End of the World, End Times, False Prophets, False Prophets, Great Gospel of John, Hereafter, Holy Father, Inner Word, Jakob Lorber, Latter Days, Life on Moon, Lunar life, New Revelation, Pontius Pilate, Prophesies, Prophesy, Prophets, Revelation, Salvation, Satan, Satana, Soul, Teachings of Christ, The Beyond, the hereafter, Great Gospel of John, Afterlife, Antichrist, Bible, Catastrophes, Channelling, Childhood of Jesus, Edwin Hubble, End Times, Jakob Lorber, New Revelation, Pontius Pilate, Prophesy, Salvation, Satan, Satana, Soul, Afterlife, Antichrist, Edwin Hubble, Jakob Lorber, Salvation, catastrophiesThe Great Gospel of John

Jakob Lorber
6 Volumes
2113 pages
Cost: $99.95

Ecological disasters, Gods final judgement, judgment day, Earth Changes, ecological catastrophies, forest fires, Second Coming of Christ, judgment day, Amalux, Gods final judgement, Antichrist, Astrology, forest fires, Earth changes, Bible, Catastrophes, Channelling, Childhood of Jesus, Christ, Christian, Gods final judgement, Christianity, Earth, Ecological disasters, judgment day, Edwin Hubble, End of the World, End Times, False Prophets, False Prophets, Great Gospel of John, Hereafter, Holy Father, Inner Word, Jakob Lorber, Latter Days, Life on Moon, Lunar life, New Revelation, Pontius Pilate, Prophesies, Prophesy, Prophets, Revelation, Salvation, Satan, Satana, Soul, Teachings of Christ, The Beyond, the hereafter, Great Gospel of John, Afterlife, Antichrist, Bible, Catastrophes, Channelling, Childhood of Jesus, Edwin Hubble, End Times, Jakob Lorber, New Revelation, Pontius Pilate, Prophesy, Salvation, Satan, Satana, Soul, Afterlife, Antichrist, Edwin Hubble, Jakob Lorber, Salvation, catastrophies

The Fires that are to come before the Second Coming of Christ. A very Different Explanation for the Forest Fires, Droughts and Storms!

Every effort should be made to understand the Final Judgment by Fire, less as the result of the so called “wrath of God” and more as a consequence of our own actions and human activity in general.

If we can accept, for instance, that fire is hot and water is wet and both are natural forces following set laws, we should not be surprised if we are burned by flames or drown in water. The consequence of this is also a judgment but who can we blame for this should  we bring it upon ourselves. Just as we cannot blame others for our own acts of foolishness the Creator should not be blamed for our foolish actions. In this context judgment is not God punishing us. It is us judging ourselves. It is an objective consequence within the laws of Creation set into motion by human actions.

In the end we, individually or collectively,  are our own judge and condemn ourselves.

The Great Gospel of John Book 5, Chapter 109

[1] (The Lord:) “Look at the mountains full of forests and shrubs. Behold, these absorb a suitable number of all the nature spirits ( electricity, magnetic fluid) compatible with them. Go and deforest all the mountains and you will soon become aware of the most dire consequences. Thereby great masses of free, very crude nature spirits will begin to more and more fill the atmosphere above the whole earth. Since these do not find a suitable abode and sphere of activity, they will begin to cluster in great masses and, driven by their hunger and thirst (assimilative instinct), cause the worst, all-devastating gales and ruin entire countries to such an extent that in a hundred, often a thousand years nothing will be growing there but here and there a moss plant. Thus there are to this very day on the wide world places extending for many leagues which are as bare of vegetation as the desolate, barren lime – stone on the shores of the Dead Sea in Lower Palestine into which the river Jordan is flowing.

[2] Well, is that perhaps My will? Oh no! Where men must have freedom of will and freedom of action so that they can become human beings also in spirit, I Myself do not interfere – no matter how foolishly they may act. All I do is allow them to reach, unperturbed, that which they have so eagerly striven for as if their life’s happiness depended on it. It does not make any difference to Me whether the consequences are good or bad. What they create they get. Although I know what will happen afterwards, I can – and must – not intervene with My omnipotence; for if I do that, man ceases to be a man. He is then nothing else but an animated machine and can be of no value forever, either for himself or for Me.

[3] Of course, the will can be regulated through all kinds of precepts and laws; but neither precept nor law can prevent the free will from carrying out what it wants to do. If the will of man wants to adopt a precept and a law as a guideline for his actions, he will abide by it spontaneously without any inner coercion; but if he does not want to do this, no power on earth and in heaven can – and must -force him into it. For, as I said, without a free will man is no longer a man but purely an animated machine. In the course of time men will also invent machines which will perform very highly skilled tasks which nowadays hardly anyone is able to carry out.

[4] But man can, out of himself, do whatever he likes, and no one can prevent him from doing it. Thus, man can do what he likes with the earth that carries and nourishes his body; and only the consequences will teach him whether his will was good or evil.

[5] Therefore, every human being possesses reason and, issuing from that, intellect. He can become enlightened through precept, worldly laws and every kind of experience and then choose spontaneously what is good, right and true and determine his course of action accordingly. With all this he suffers no coercion, since he himself chooses freely what he has recognized as good, right and true.

[6] Now we can see daily in hundreds of instances that people, usually for the sake of gaining some temporal advantage, often spurn what they have recognized as good, right and true and act to the contrary. This is further proof that the freedom of the human will cannot be endangered and curtailed through anything. It is quite possible that as time goes by people make great inventions and thereby begin to affect the nature of the earth, which must in the end spring a real leak. Of course, the result of this will not be pleasant and appear as a sure punishment for the wrongly applied will; yet all this will not be intended by Me but will be a consequence of man’s will.

[7] If you want another Deluge, let them drain – and dig through – the mountains, and they will thereby unlock the subterranean water reservoirs. If they want to see the whole earth aflame, let them destroy all the forests. As a result of this the nature spirits (electricity) will increase, so much so that the earth will suddenly become enveloped by an ocean of fire and lightning. Would it then be also My wish to punish the earth through fire? Therefore, do teach men to be wise, lest they bring about their own judgment. But, although I know that these events will happen, I can and must not intervene through My omnipotence, but only through the precept.”

The preceding is an excerpt from The Great Gospel of John by Jakob Lorber.

Earth changes, disasters, wild fires,

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